Tuesday 31 May 2011

Training in June

Dear All,

We will be training at the following places and times in June:

Wednesday 1st June 8pm - 10pm, Delta
Monday 6th June 8pm - 10pm, CCAB
Monday 13th June 8pm - 10pm, CCAB
Monday 20th June 8pm - 10pm, CCAB

We will also have Hockey Village on Wednesdays 7:30pm - 9pm for pick-up games and optional bbq afterwards.


Monday 23 May 2011

Ladies A 1 - 1 NYP

The mark of a championship-winning team is the ability to come away with a point, even when the Hockey Gods are against you. The Tornados Ladies demonstrated these credentials admirably last night against an aggressive NYP, who were bouyed by inconsistent umpiring that favoured the less skillful team.

THC were sluggish at the start, with some perhaps still suffering from the previous night's excesses of Lou's leaving party. However, attempts to switch up a gear were thwarted by the umpires, whose decisions bemused and frustrated even the normally most placid of THC's players.

The first half ended goalless, despite some great play by the front line to put NYP under pressure. NYP then managed to go a goal up in the second half, following a rash of free hits against THC for tackles that seemed perfectly legal to everyone but the umpire.

As the rain came down, Tornados, captained by Lou in her last game for the club, dug in and camped inside the NYP 25-yard line. Their determination and spirit was eventually rewarded when Chris received a short corner, switched to Rosie who neatly flicked the ball into the top left.

An embarrassing spectacle then ensued. NYP complained about the goal and surrounded the umpire. This went on for a full 5 minutes, as NYP continued to harangue the umpire who allowed to situation to degenerate and failed to reprimand even a single player.

Once the game finally restarted, Tornados dominated throughout, with Farah leading the front line with an exemplary performance as centre forward, linking seemlessly with Kok, Rosie and Chris in attack. However, despite their best efforts, the game finished up 1-1 and THC can be glad of salvaging a point under very trying circumstances.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Ladies A 8 - 0 Crescent

Another terrific team performance saw more triangles than an episode of Sesame Street and a hatful of goals from 6 different players.

Gemma kept up her 100% record and joining her on the score sheet were Chris, Rosie, Meagan, Leah and Farah.

Neither Sharifa nor Zira so much as touched the ball in a game which allowed THC to experiment with a new formation.

As ever, with a squad that has found its rhythm, the game also saw several personal-best performances of the season, including Abi, Virginia, Leah and Sam. All the more impressive considering the team was adjusting to a new structure.

Kok was unrelentless in front of the posts but the goal somehow eluded her. However, she can still claim several assists thanks to her dedicated support play and the aggression of a front line determined to clean up on the many rebounds.

The Tornados are moving in the right direction for the post-season, and may be peaking at the right time, but they know all too well that they cannot afford to let up now.

Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Tour to RSC 9s in KL on 16,17 July 2011

Pack up your stick bags and leave your dignity at home - it's time for the first overseas tour of the season!

For details, or to sign up, click here.

Monday 16 May 2011

Watch Videos of THC Games

Did you know that we record videos of most THC games? Matches are available to download for a couple of weeks after each game (and then stored off-line thereafter).

You can get them in 2 ways:

1) Install DropBox and email me for access to the folder.


2) Go to http://db.tt/1K6xaNr and download online.

Please note that this is a shared folder - if you delete a file it will be deleted for everyone, so don't delete files. If you do not want to have the files automatically downloaded to your hard disk, go for option (2).

Sunday 15 May 2011

Ladies A 2 - 0 Vijayanti

The warriors of the Ladies A team found their rhythm on a relatively cool afternoon at Seng Kang.

Not only were there some outstanding individual performances but also, more importantly, impressive team play and an air of confidence that will make the rest of the league sit up and pay attention.

Gemma opened the scoring in the first half after picking up the ball in midfield and beating 3 players in a trademark run into the circle.

From then on it was one-way traffic, with Rosie, Chris and Kirsten all coming close. The short-corners looked sharper than in previous games and the attacking play up the right wing was fluid and threatening.

The second goal came with 15 minutes of the game remaining and involved some slick passing play between Leah, Gemma, Kok and Jen, with Rosie getting the final touch.

The midfield were able to dominate most of the play, with first Lou and then Meagan holding the back of the diamond firm, ably assisted by Farah, Jen and Kirsten. Sharifa was called into action rarely, but kept the ball clear when needed.

Vijayanti were not about to give up their league position easily and came back fiercely. Zira was forced to make several saves in the latter part of the game while Cynthia, Abi and Charlotte were fortunate to keep their sticks intact. Not so for TJ, who limped off with 8 minutes remaining, finally the victim of one of the many ill-timed swings from the Vijayanti attack.

Tornados can now go into the second half of the season with renewed optimism and a strong claim on a place in the playoffs.
Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

Saturday 14 May 2011

Ladies B 0 - SCC 4

The Ladies B team continued their rapid improvement in a hard fought game against SCC. Unfortunately a flu virus had devastated the squad leaving them with only one substitute, which is never good in the Singapore climate. Ally again put in an MVP performance but she was ably assisted by her trio of defenders (Milly, Afifqah and Jane).

Other notable performances came from Marianne and Sharm, both of whom really stepped up their game for this match.

In the midfield Atiqah, Queenie and Charisse never stopped running. Sara up front showed some newly acquired skills and Rashiqah once again caused the opposition a lot of trouble on the break.

There were only positives from this game and surely a win will come before the end of the season!

Monday 9 May 2011

Tour Calendar 2011

Now that the Ladies and Men's 1s season is in full swing, and the trials for the 2s and 3s are out of the way, we can focus on the serious business of hockey tours!

Tornados are intending to send teams to the tours listed below in 2011. However, we need volunteers to help organise so, if any of these tours interest you, please consider giving something back to the club and volunteer to get involved.

Also, if there is a tour you particularly want to attend but it's not on the list, feel free to recommend it (provided that you are also willing to help organise it!)

Keep an eye on your email, the blog and our facebook page for more details in due course.

July 16-17
RSC Hockey 9s, KL, Malaysia

The Royal Selangor Club's 2-day tournament is known for the good standard of hockey and even more so for the Saturday night party.
Men's and Ladies'

The Agro Cup, Singapore

Our own state-of-origin competition, played out for the Agro Cup, in honour of stalwart and former club secretary Stephen "Agro" Whitton. The format is a half-day, mixed 5-a-side event at Hockey Village, with sausage sizzle and party to follow. Last year the Kiwis beat England in an exciting final. Expect this year's competition to even more keenly contested!

Magical Mystery Tour, TBA

Sure to be a highlight of the year, make sure your passport is up to date and let us know if you are banned from any countries. The Tour Committee are currently putting together a tour to remember (or at least try to remember) that will take in some of the wonders that Asia has to offer.
Men's, Ladies' and Mixed

Wooden Shoe, Singapore

The Dutch always put on a good show at this 1-day 7-a-side tournament at Seng Kang. With cheap beer on tap throughout the day, it is best not to make any evening plans.
Men's and Ladies'

November 12-13
Vietnam Hockey Festival, HCM

The Vietnam Tornados will be hosting the 4th installation of their popular 6-a-side competition in November. Always a favourite event, we usually send several teams.
Men's and Ladies'

December 3-4
Kings Cup, Bangkok, Thailand

(Subject to confirmation)
A hugely popular way to end the year. Cool off in the pool between games and, when the hockey is done, Bangkok has something for everyone...
Men's and Ladies'

Sunday 8 May 2011

Ladies A 1 - 2 Dutch

The Ladies As emphatically demonstrated that they are still the best team in the league, despite losing 2-1 to the Dutch. MVP went to Helen for a sterling performance in midfield that galvanized the team around her to show, at last, what they are truly capable of. Meanwhile Gemma maintained her record of scoring in every game she has played in.

The umpiring decisions allowed the Dutch to play their destructive game as a continuous onslaught of stick tackles, dropped shoulders and cynical back-sticks went unpunished. The Dutch were fortunate to see out the entire game with 11 players, let alone a win and 3 points. Tornados, however, will be ruing their failure to convert any one of 7 short corners into a goal.

Tornados must now refocus on a top 4 finish and hope to meet the Dutch in the semi-finals to wreak their deserved revenge.