Wednesday 23 November 2016

THC - 2016 Annual General Meeting - Change of Venue

This e-mail has attached files - see below

*UPDATE* please note the change of venue.

Dear Tornados,

The committee of 2016 would like to cordially invite you all to attend this years Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Date: Thursday 24th November 2016
Time: Commencing at 7.30pm
Place: Harrys bar - Boat Quay (level 2)

At the AGM, members will have an opportunity to hear about Tornados Hockey Clubs operations and finances and ask relevant questions. If you cannot attend this years AGM but would like to vote by proxy please fill out the necessary form (attached) and return before 5pm tomorrow (24th November 2016)

Anyone who has had a change in heart and wishes to contribute to the committee next year feel free to send your note of interest to Isobel Lyall via email: or phone: +65 8720 9003. There are a few positions that still need to be filled. Attached is the detailed roles of each position. Also attached is the committee members from this year and those who are standing down. Feel free to speak to these people regarding thier roles. All positions are open to nominations. Adi and Izzy are happy to field any questions.

The committee of 2016.


The following files are attached to this e-mail:

Current status of Office Bearers.pdf
63.12Kb   View   Download
THC Proxy Voting Form - AGM2016.pdf
31.38Kb   View   Download
THC Committee members roles - Nov 16.pdf
93.39Kb   View   Download

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Thursday 10 November 2016

*UPDATED Verion 2* THC - Notice of 2016 Annual General Meeting

This e-mail has attached files - see below

*UPDATE* please note the change of date. (Christmas eve would be a bit rough) If I didn't get your attention the first two emails maybe the third will be the lucky charm. Save me from myself please.

Dear Tornados,

The committee of 2016 would like to cordially invite you all to attend this years Annual General Meeting (AGM). Attached is the official notice

Date: Thursday 24th November 2016
Time: Commencing at 7.30pm
Place: The Boomerang Bar Boat Quay, Singapore

At the AGM, members will have an opportunity to hear about Tornados Hockey Clubs operations and finances and ask relevant questions. Our President, Adi, will chair the meeting and provide, as stated by our constitution, the financial years accounts and the annual report. Any member who wishes to place an item on the agenda of the General Meeting may do so provided he/she gives notice to Isobel Lyall one week before the meeting is due to be held. (17th Nov) Attached is the draft agenda for your perusal.

As every year we lose committee members to the transient and busy lifestyle of Singapore, every year we ask members of the club to stand up and represent the club. With many of the positions needing to be filled I implore you to consider a nomination. Please send Isobel Lyall your nominations by Thursday 17th November 2016 via email: or phone: +65 8720 9003. Attached is the detailed roles of each position. Also attached is the committee members from this year and those who are standing down. Feel free to speak to these people regarding thier roles. All positions are open to nominations. Adi and Izzy are happy to field any questions.

The committee of 2016.


The following files are attached to this e-mail:

AGM Agenda 2016.pdf
0 B   View   Download
THC Committee members roles - Nov 16.pdf
93.39Kb   View   Download
Notice of AGM 2016.pdf
0 B   View   Download
Current status of Office Bearers.pdf
63.12Kb   View   Download

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THC - Notice of 2016 Annual General Meeting *UPDATED*

This e-mail has attached files - see below

*UPDATE* please note the change of date. (Christmas eve would be a bit rough)

Dear Tornados,

The committee of 2016 would like to cordially invite you all to attend this years Annual General Meeting (AGM). Attached is the official notice

Date: Thursday 24th November 2016
Time: Commencing at 7.30pm
Place: The Boomerang Bar Boat Quay, Singapore

At the AGM, members will have an opportunity to hear about Tornados Hockey Clubs operations and finances and ask relevant questions. Our President, Adi, will chair the meeting and provide, as stated by our constitution, the financial years accounts and the annual report. Any member who wishes to place an item on the agenda of the General Meeting may do so provided he/she gives notice to Isobel Lyall one week before the meeting is due to be held. (17th Nov) Attached is the draft agenda for your perusal.

As every year we lose committee members to the transient and busy lifestyle of Singapore, every year we ask members of the club to stand up and represent the club. With many of the positions needing to be filled I implore you to consider a nomination. Please send Isobel Lyall your nominations by Thursday 17th November 2016 via email: or phone: +65 8720 9003. Attached is the detailed roles of each position. Also attached is the committee members from this year and those who are standing down. Feel free to speak to these people regarding thier roles. All positions are open to nominations. Adi and Izzy are happy to field any questions.

The committee of 2016.


The following files are attached to this e-mail:

THC Committee members roles - Nov 16.docx
62.95Kb   Download
Notice of AGM 2016.docx
114.52Kb   Download
AGM Agenda 2016.docx
115.86Kb   Download
Current status of Office Bearers.docx
117.51Kb   Download

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THC - Notice of 2016 Annual General Meeting

This e-mail has attached files - see below

Dear Tornados,

The committee of 2016 would like to cordially invite you all to attend this years Annual General Meeting (AGM). Attached is the official notice

Date: Thursday 24th December 2016
Time: Commencing at 7.30pm
Place: The Boomerang Bar Boat Quay, Singapore

At the AGM, members will have an opportunity to hear about Tornados Hockey Clubs operations and finances and ask relevant questions. Our President, Adi, will chair the meeting and provide, as stated by our constitution, the financial years accounts and the annual report. Any member who wishes to place an item on the agenda of the General Meeting may do so provided he/she gives notice to Isobel Lyall one week before the meeting is due to be held. (17th Nov) Attached is the draft agenda for your perusal.

As every year we lose committee members to the transient and busy lifestyle of Singapore, every year we ask members of the club to stand up and represent the club. With many of the positions needing to be filled I implore you to consider a nomination. Please send Isobel Lyall your nominations by Thursday 17th November 2016 via email: or phone: +65 8720 9003. Attached is the detailed roles of each position. Also attached is the committee members from this year and those who are standing down. Feel free to speak to these people regarding thier roles. All positions are open to nominations. Adi and Izzy are happy to field any questions.

The committee of 2016.


The following files are attached to this e-mail:

AGM Agenda 2016.docx
115.93Kb   Download
Notice of AGM 2016.docx
114.62Kb   Download
Current status of Office Bearers.docx
117.51Kb   Download
THC Committee members roles - Nov 16.docx
62.95Kb   Download

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Friday 14 October 2016

THC - Roger's Update - 14th October 2016


Another week successfully (well sort of) acheived.  

With just over 10 weeks before christmas.. (
I KNOW OMG) more plans are under way to see off another year of Tornados but we have a a few more games to play and a few more events to attend and of course Vietnam Hockey Tour to survive. Vietnam has a few spots left for any eager beavers that missed the deadline. (Speak to Izzy or Brad the Tourist organisers) 

Looking forward to updating you next week with all the fun to be had.


TORNADOS Mens League
Mens 4s vs Buccaneers
Saturday 15th October @ Sengkang-2 3pm
Mens 4s vs Republic Poly
Sunday 16th October @ Sengkang-1 4.30pm

Tornados White vs Crescent
Saturday 15th October @ MOE 3pm

Tornados Red vs Dreams Hockey Avengers
Sunday 16th October @ MOE 4pm



Monday 17th October - Ladies 8 - 10pm Evans Rd
Tuesday 18th October - Mens 8 - 10pm Evans Rd 


Monday 24th October - Ladies 8 - 10pm
 Evans Rd
Tuesday 25th October - Mens 8 - 10pm Evans Rd


TORNADOS Men's League
Mens 4s vs Dreams LOSS 2-4
Mens 4s vs Balister Lions LOSS 1-2

Tornados Red 4s vs Eagles Hockey Club WIN 2-0

Short and Sweet :)

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Friday 7 October 2016

THC - Roger's Update - 7th October 2016

The weekend antics are nearly upon us...

Hello Tornados! What a month was September.. 

There has been so much happening behind the scenes and on stage in the Tornados production and we need to take a moment to thank some cool peeps.

The ball was an incredible evening with plenty of fun, dancing, drinking and alot of really really good looking people. Everyone showed up in thier best atire with many members being recognised for thier on-going efforts (or lack of apparently for some teams) and many old crew sending thier best from all around the world. 

A huge congratulations to Jacque Sharrocks who won the prestigous Jerry Singh award. This particular award is to an individual who has gone above and beyond in thier support and services to the club. Anyone who has met Jacque through the Tornados can't deny she has made a substantial contribution to the Tornados hockey club and continues to do so. Thanks Jacque. 

The ball itself was a huge success and the Tornados committee would like to thank the following individuals for thier creativity, time, effort and hard work in making it such a brilliant evening:

Ball committee L to R:
 Dave Kaye, Ruthie Burr, Alice Hogg, Sarah Law, Maxine Chia & Phoebe De Raeve

In other Tornado news the leagues are coming to an end with only the NHL5 still running and one left over game before the NHL4 league learns whether they retain thier 3rd position on the ladder. Our 3rds have had a short but sharp season playing well to get to 3rd on the ladder. The mens 1s finished up thier season with some strong recruits coming in to help the team from thier injuries, absent players and at times no goalie. They finished in 4th position, which is a favourite number it seems for the Tornados, as they join the Mens 2s and the Ladies 1s in the same standings. 

Ladies LIGA
 is in full swing with the Tornado Red and White teams battling through a busy September. The teams are settling in as they have a few more games before heading into the finals. In other hockey news the touring Tornados are all set to go to Vietnam with a few spots left for any eager beavers that missed the deadline. (Speak to Izzy or Brad the Tourist organisers) 

AGRO CUP  - SAVE THE DATE (postponed)
Since the 'save the date' there have been several events and games that have come to our attention or cropped up, therefore, the agro cup is postponed.

More socials and fun to come.. 


TORNADOS Mens League
Mens 4s vs Dreams Hockey
Saturday 8th October @ Sengkang-2 6pm
Mens 4s vs Balestier Lions
Sunday 9th October @ Sengkang-1 6pm

Tornados Red vs Eagles Hockey
Saturday 8th October @ MOE 6pm



Monday 10th October - Ladies 8 - 10pm Evans Rd
Tuesday 11th October - Mens 8 - 10pm Evans Rd 


Monday 17th October - Ladies 8 - 10pm
 Evans Rd
Tuesday 18th October - Mens 8 - 10pm Evans Rd


TORNADOS Men's League
Mens 3s vs Vanquishers WIN 1-0 

Mens 3s vs Singapore Cricket Club WIN 3-2
Mens 4s vs Sikhs Sport Club LOSS 0-2

See you at the party ;)

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