Tuesday, 20 April 2010

THC Tour to Kota Kinabalu

THC enjoyed the hospitality of the KK hockey fraternity, when they took part in the MAS-HSBC Hockey Tournament over the weekend.

The first day went far too well, as Agro knocked up 3 goals with Nick adding to the tally. THC's record of 3 wins and 1 loss qualified them for the Cup competition on the Sunday. It was at around this point that it became apparent that the team had actually gone there for the beer, and despite a valiant, if jaded, effort, narrowly lost out to Wild Hogs in the next game.

Special mention must be made to Steve K for his magic and undefeated 7 minutes before being stretchered off, and Queenie for arousing the loudest applause the stadium saw all weekend.


  1. Thought you only played 4 games on saturday??
    Anyway... KK was good fun!

  2. Yes, you're right. Fixed it.
