Monday 28 June 2010

Men's 3s v THC Chix - The Rematch

A blisteringly hot Sunday at Delta saw the eagerly awaited rematch between the Tornados men's 3rd team and the Chix.  With the guys eager not to suffer a second loss to the Chix and the girls not wanting to give up their undefeated record for the year it looked like we would be in for a spectacular battle.  That was until the match was rearranged to take place less than 12 hours after most of the ladies team had stumbled home after a night celebrating two birthdays and a leaving party.  You have to hand it to them, they guys, evidently scared after the shock defeat last week looked like they had had a slightly tamer night (most of them anyway) and were well prepared for the match. 

Battle commenced and almost instantly the effects of the previous night on a slightly disjointed ladies team could be felt and we knew it was going to be a long afternoon.  The men's superior speed and drive saw them dominating the middle of the pitch, which seemed to open up as wide as the England defense to allow numerous attacks on the ladies goal.  The guys began by taking shots from almost anywhere in the D with 2 of them finding the back of the net before the ladies had realized the match had even started.  While the men had only 2 goals on the board the ladies breached their defense and the ball was slotted past a sprawling Rob who had been deserted by the rest of his defense.  But this was not a turning point in the match. The guys continued to pile on the pressure with some slick passing which suggests they will take their league by storm, and will hopefully emulate their Sunday opposition.  It was only some sterling defending by Tara, hurling herself in front of pretty much every ball that kept the score to a respectable 4-1 at half time. 

The second half began in pretty much the same fashion, although the ladies did begin to play with more of the cohesiveness that preformed so well this year.  But the guys speed and determination meant they never looked to be under too much pressure.  The men's shots were becoming more ambitious although the more successful ones were those that stayed on the floor and a penalty flick came well... umm... not so close!!  As the match wore on the ladies began to attack the men's circle more often, but without much striking opportunities.  The end result is anybody's guess but 6 or 7 to 1 would be a good bet.  Hopefully the guys had fun and it was a useful exercise.  Good luck in the league and do us proud.
The chix were also celebrating the last game for two of their players, Laura and Melanie, who will leave Singapore soon. Both have been instrumental in the Chix' success and will be sorely missed.
Em, Gem, Teej

1 comment:

  1. good to see the 3's claw back some dignity
    where's the Beez v 1's match report?
