Saturday 31 July 2010

Killer Beez Find Their Sting

The men's 2nd XI finally got into their stride with a convincing 3-0 win against Nanyang Polytechnic.

In scorching temperatures, the Killer Beez showed what they are capable of but had to wait until the 22nd minute to break the deadlock. Jason Parry, starting from the sidelines, came on to great effect, scoring within seconds of entering the field with almost his first touch. Solid defending, led by an impressive Anton playing behind a determined Stevan, neutralised NYP on their occasional breakaways. Jason doubled the lead just before half time with a text-book goal, started with Anton in the 16 yard area, and being played up the field in one-touch passing involving Alan, Richard, Chris, Steve and Alistair. If only the rest of the game looked so good!

The heat began to tell, and the tackles in the second half became increasingly agricultural. Alistair added another goal to the tally in the 53rd minute and Tony easily handled NYP's rare excursion into the Tornados 25 yard area with some excellent reaction saves.

The Beez go into the August break with 4 points from 3 games but with momentum firmly on their side.

Live Streaming of Champions Trophy

For those who do not have the cable home, you can watch the live broadcast of the Champions Trophy in Germany here.

It is also on Super Sports Arena, Channel 201 on Starhub.

Field Hockey Forum on the web

Hi All
please check out the only Field Hockey forum on the Web :

register yourself (for free) and particpate to discussion, sale, want to sell  your un-wanted hockey stuffs or just read the new of the hockey around the world.

have fun

Refresher: Rules for GK and Defenders

Hi All,

A refresher regarding rules when defending the goals for both outfielders and goalies is here:

Rules is from 2008, but a refresher can be useful as a the league is on and to avoid unnecessary arguing with the umpires.


Monday 26 July 2010

Result for 24/25 July

Dear all,

Here are the results of the weekend :

M2 vs D'Masters : 3- 3
M3 vs Barkerites : 1 - 1
M1 vs NTU : 3 - 1

Program for this weekend :

Saturday, July 31
3:00pm M2 v Nanyang Poly at Delta

Sunday, August 1
9:00am M3 v JFA at CCAB
6:00pm M1 v ORA at Delta


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Wednesday 21 July 2010

KL RSC 9's - Tour Report

It was with great enthusiasm that our group of Tornados die-hard beer drinkers... er... hockey players met at the Hotel Sentral in Kuala Lumpur on Friday night. The meeting place was swiftly moved from the hotel lobby to the food and drink place opposite and before you could say Kuala Lumpur a dozen people were sitting there with twice as many beers being emptied, drinking rules explained and enforced by our Fine Master Rob; the marks of a good beginning for a hockey tournament week-end. The party then moved on to a bar in town (Beach Bar, not recommended for families and friends) which was both a very enlightening and disturbing experience. After the initial shock of stepping unaware into Malaysia's creepiest side, the evening turned out to be quite enjoyable and even fun, particularly when watching our guys hassled by enterprising working ladies. The ladies and some of our most senior members called it a night by 2am while the really die-hard party goers weren’t back in bed before 5am.

So it was in a fine state of hangover and tiredness that we arrived on the pitch at 9am on Saturday and got ready for the Killer Beez’ first game at 9.30. That first game turned out to be the Beez best game with a score of 0-0. By the end of the day, they had lost all of their remaining 3 games, with no goal scored and plenty taken in, and achieved what they set out to do: getting into the bowl competition the next day and setting a record for beers drunk. The Joranians, with some of Tornados finest Div1 players, fared better and gave us pretty entertaining hockey to watch. They ended the day qualifying for the plate competition. All in all, the day at the Royal Selangor Club was very enjoyable with plenty of opportunities to reconnect with old acquaintances or make new ones and watch good hockey. We cheered for a bunch of teams, among which our friends of Tornados Vietnam, for which Micha and Frenchy were playing, Hong Kong Valley with Frenchy in goal and Paul Bains on field, and ISCI, our friends from Jakarta, which manage to qualify for the cup quite easily. Jason and Agro entertained us with their comments while the sun was roasting our back, the beers kept coming out of the magic bucket and before we knew it, it was time to get ready for the evening. I would add here a special mention to Steve K. who, after heavy drinking on Friday night, slept the whole day in his hotel room, turned up at 3.30pm and earned himself a brand new nickname courtesy of JP: No Show ;-).

Back at the hotel (well, beer shop opposite), the team decided not to attend the Hawaiian themed tour Dinner, deemed to far off the city center. While most of the family men stayed put for the night, a dozen of us went into town, wearing our Hawaiian finest, to have dinner at a random restaurant which turned out very nice, and stayed there most of the night, playing pool and singing along some American’s favorites with the live band. Not surprisingly, beer flowed freely from the numerous towers that were ordered. The few who went to the Dinner however said it was good fun and well attended and a real shame that the team did not go. Something to ponder for next year without a doubt, maybe by making it clear from the start that Tour Dinner should not be considered optional??

Anyway, the next day was even harder on the tired Tornados with a first game at 9am for the Beez who had to scrape together a team while waiting for their normal players to turn up. The Killer Beez did themselves proud and ended the tournament on the very high note of 1 draw and 5 losses, no goal scored but plenty of good humor, laughs and… beers. The Joranians upheld the Tornados’ honor by beating HK Valley in their first pool game of the plate and losing against the RSC on a (obviously unfairly given) penalty flick, that Rob, despite a great job all week-end, could not stop. At about 1pm, both Tornado teams were out and after a quick cold shower we enjoyed a much needed chilled afternoon filled with beers (shocking, I know!!!), cheers and hockey. Too soon it was time to say goodbye to KL and make our way to the airport, where plenty of us experienced planes being delayed, but that’s all part of the fun and adventure of SEA travel.

In a nutshell, a very good week-end, if somewhat tiring, filled with mostly good quality hockey in a chilled and cheerful atmosphere. Comparing with the few tours I have participated to with the Tornados, it was much better than KK, but not as varied in the participating countries as Vietnam or SCC 6’s. Definitely a tour worth going back to in my opinion.

Intra-Club Mixed Hockey (2)

If you've not yet found a team for the Mixed Tourney, go to the online google spreadsheet and put yourself down.

Details are here.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Men's 1st Draw 3-3 Against SCC

The Tornados 1st Division Side opened the 2010 season with an entertaining, high scoring 3-3 draw against pre-competition favourites SCC played early on Sunday Morning out at Seng Kang. The game was played at a very fast pace and was an enthralling spectacle for those spectators (mostly die-hard Tornados supporters) who managed to creep out of bed to make it in time for the 9am start!!!!

From the pre-match warm-up it was obvious that the Tornados were here to play against SCC who started slowly. Tornados dominated early proceedings holding the bulk of the possesion, passing the ball around the midfield and culminating in a well worked goal to Pasan in the 10th minute during a right-side attacking move. Slowly however the SCC midfield started to work themselves into the game and began to work the ball around as the Tornadoes team looked to tire. The pressue eventually told with a nicely taken PC drag flick SCC goal 10 minutes before half time.

The Tornados came out for the 2nd half a more rejuvinated and composed side, and for the most part dominated the possession stakes. It seemed that the SCC's best opportunities would only come from their powerful PC corner battery and they definitely played to this strength. Against the run of play the SCC scored a 2nd goal to take a 2-1 lead.

The Tornados looked to have drawn the game 15 minutes from time when a great through pass from Neil on the left allowed for an attacking raid down the right hand side culiminating in a goal to Joran from the edge of the circle. However minutes later the SCC side were back in front with another well taken Penalty Corner. For the final 10 minutes the Tornados completely dominated posession making countless in-roads into the SCC's defence. 5 minutes from time Pasan made a darting run into the circle to receive a weighted pass and neatly slotted his second goal for the night passed the diving SCC keeper!

Overall the game was a great start for the Tornados if not a little disappointing to realise that they had created many more chances to come out of the game as victors. All in all the team all played well but there was some standout saves from Frenchy a commanding midfield performance from Andrew and and some excellent finishing up front from Pasan.

Goals: Pasan (2), Joran.
MVP: Pasan

Monday 12 July 2010

Result from the weekend 11 July 2010

Results from the weekend.

1st Team - SCC 3 - 3
2nd Team - CSC 0 - 4

Next weekend THC will be touring to KL for the Royal Selangor Club Tournament.
All the 3 Mens team will be back in action the weekend after:

Friday 23rd July
2nd XI v D'Masters 8pm at Delta

Saturday 24th July
3rd XI v Barkerites 3pm at CCAB

Sunday 25th July
1st XI v NTU 6pm at Delta

Sunday 11 July 2010

Ladies Win v King Williams College

Tornado Chix returned to their winning ways with a 3-0 win over King Williams college (a touring school side from the UK) under slightly gloomy conditions and to the melodic sounds of the trombone (!) at CCAB. Looking slightly more disorganised that usual the Chix just had 11 as the match was due to start and had been attempting to warm up with just 1 ball between them. On the other hand the students had been warming up for a while and looked like a well drilled side. Still one umpire short and with some players under attack from a swarm of vicious mosquitoes the match got under way.

The first 15 minutes saw end to end play with the Chix frequently attacking their opponents goal, with Sara coming close to scoring on a couple of occasions. The superb defence of Tara, TJ and Pei Ling kept the energetic school girls out of the circle, while the new look midfield of Lou, Cynthia, Kirsten and Gemma seemed to run miles further than in previous matches. As the rest of the team rocked up the pace settled and the Chix looked ever more likely to score, especially with Micha's dominant display up front. Finally the Chix scored - a quick free hit from Micha found Gemma unmarked in the D who smashed it past an unsuspecting keeper. Following this the Chix stepped it up and looked at their best and the second goal came from a slick move starting in defence, finding Meagan who ran up the line, crossing to Micha and finally Gemma who slotted home her second.

The second half followed in much the same fashion, Tara 's awesome clearances often finding Jane, Rox and Abi on the wings. Emilie was called upon numerous times in goal and her lack of hesitation in coming off the goal line ensure she was more than a match for the opponents strikers who couldn't get the ball past her. The final goal came as a result of a short corner with the ball squeezing in past the right post.

Saturday 10 July 2010

Intra-Club Mixed Hockey

Tornados Intra-Club Mixed Hockey 7-a-side Tournament
Saturday 14th August, 3pm to 6pm at Hockey Village

Forget the YOG - the big sports event of August is the THC Intra-Club Mixed Hockey Tournament and Sausage Sizzle!!!!

We're putting together teams to play in our own 7-a-side tournament. Each team must have at least one player from each of the 1s, 2s and 3s and two from the Chix.

Rob is coordinating a Sausage Sizzle to provide sustenance between games and there will be the usual selection of beer and soda from Hockey Village, so friends and family are encouraged.

Cost is $20 for seniors, $10 for students/juniors and includes a sausage and beer/soft drink.

Expect to be press-ganged by a team captain in the next week or so. If you are interested and somehow overlooked, please email

Details of teams wil be posted in due course.