Sunday 11 July 2010

Ladies Win v King Williams College

Tornado Chix returned to their winning ways with a 3-0 win over King Williams college (a touring school side from the UK) under slightly gloomy conditions and to the melodic sounds of the trombone (!) at CCAB. Looking slightly more disorganised that usual the Chix just had 11 as the match was due to start and had been attempting to warm up with just 1 ball between them. On the other hand the students had been warming up for a while and looked like a well drilled side. Still one umpire short and with some players under attack from a swarm of vicious mosquitoes the match got under way.

The first 15 minutes saw end to end play with the Chix frequently attacking their opponents goal, with Sara coming close to scoring on a couple of occasions. The superb defence of Tara, TJ and Pei Ling kept the energetic school girls out of the circle, while the new look midfield of Lou, Cynthia, Kirsten and Gemma seemed to run miles further than in previous matches. As the rest of the team rocked up the pace settled and the Chix looked ever more likely to score, especially with Micha's dominant display up front. Finally the Chix scored - a quick free hit from Micha found Gemma unmarked in the D who smashed it past an unsuspecting keeper. Following this the Chix stepped it up and looked at their best and the second goal came from a slick move starting in defence, finding Meagan who ran up the line, crossing to Micha and finally Gemma who slotted home her second.

The second half followed in much the same fashion, Tara 's awesome clearances often finding Jane, Rox and Abi on the wings. Emilie was called upon numerous times in goal and her lack of hesitation in coming off the goal line ensure she was more than a match for the opponents strikers who couldn't get the ball past her. The final goal came as a result of a short corner with the ball squeezing in past the right post.

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