Thursday 2 December 2010

President's Christmas Message

Dear Fellow Tornados, Family and Friends of Tornados,

The last couple of years have seen Tornados Hockey Club grow from one team to three men’s and a ladies team. This indeed speaks volumes of your participation and continuous support in the various activities, carnivals, tours and social activities.

Thank you all the team captains, team officials, family and friends for being on hand to see our teams participate in various events. A big thank you to the coaches who have contributed their expertise and time to bring success to the club. The Social committee has added more excitement and activities. Thanking our partners and sponsors for the support. Thank you all.

Like to extend a very warm welcome to all new members, players and their families. For members who have returned home, our sincere appreciation and bon voyage. Your contributions and support have been very encouraging. We wish you all success and look forward to you joining us again when you are back in Singapore.

The coming years will be more challenging times as we work towards achieving more success and more activities for all. The success of our activities and participation will I believe leave a lasting legacy for Tornados Hockey Singapore and for future generations of administrators and players to build on. Lets all continue to work collectively and in the spirit of the warm friendship and camaraderie, which we enjoy to ensure this lasting legacy.

May I wish all of you, your families and loved ones the blessings and good tidings of Christmas and everything you wish for yourselves in the New Year especially Peace, Good Health, Happiness and many good sporting years ahead.

Ps.Team captains/officials, could you please forward to all who I may have missed in above list.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.     

A very big Thank you and best regards,

Jerry Jernayal Singh.
Tornados Hockey Club, Singapore.

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