Wednesday 21 March 2012

Ladies Derby - Ladies 2s

On a typically stinking hot day down at Sengkang we saw our new look Ladies 2nd XI taking on our Ladies 1st XI in the opening game of the 2012 season. Over the past few months the girls have put in a tremendous amount of effort with a large majority of them never picking a stick up before and a few returning from a good few years out of the sport as well.


It's always a daunting task playing against your own clubs first XI but the girls were well prepared and raring to go on what would go on to be an extremely positive and rewarding first outing. Last season the ladies 2's turned out to be the 'whipping-girls' of the division and it is safe to say that this will not be the case this term. Defensively we looked very strong backed up by an awesome display from our new star in goal, Suzanne. I've never seen somebody take to a position so quickly and look so natural – even with all of those pads on! Despite being a little bit short of numbers in midfield we battled hard and closed down space well – reducing the threat of the Ladies 1's playmakers. Reachelle looked equally assured up front as well as in a defensive role and she is going to be a constant threat this season for the 2's.


Last season the girls were extremely limited with options going forward but by winning a short corner in the second half we have beaten our previous seasons best already. I'm going to predict that the girls will cause a few upsets this season and when we have our full quota of players we will be a difficult team to break down.


Great start to the season girls and keep up the good work!


Ps. We lost 3-0 but that was the only negative of the day J


Kris Emerton

Ladies 2s Coach

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