Monday 7 May 2012

Tornados Mens 1s 4 NYP 2

The Tornados Mens 1s team continue their unbeaten run with a win over NYP in a game of 2 halves - but aren't they all?

Torndaos started strong, opening up a 2-0 lead in the first 20 mins with some well taken filed goals by both Cameron Black and Rene Severin. The structure started to weep a little from there, and changes to the NYP set up soon started making in-roads to the Tornados D. A tight last 5 mins of the first half had NYP pressing for goals, with PCs seeming to be pulled from all over the shop. Tight work by the 4 defenders and goalie kept the clean score sheet and the half time whistle was welcomed by the fat bloke in the helmet (and all other fatties on the the team!)

NYP started the second half as they finished the first - a short corner leading to a score after a deflection first off the keepers foot guards and then via his pad tightened the game to 2-1. The Tornados attack had other ideas,who quickly took control up front and forced PCs at the other end. A sharp PC which rebounded off the prone keeper led to a well taken shot by Cameron Black, whilst a drag flick moments later from Rene, again from a shortie, gave Tornados some breathing room with a 4-1 advantage.

NYP remained resolute to reduce the deficit, and struck goal after a good run by their forward, followed by a  deflected ball just under the keeper's arm pit - proving that though keepers smells are powerful, they just aren't strong enough!

With a final score of 4-2 to Tornados, the 1s have some positives to continue to improve and negatives to work even harder on - some well taken goals and good PC work was in fine form for some of the match, but structure and discipline needs to be played throughout the game. 2 yellow cards and one green card means we were down to 10 players for about a quarter of the match.

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