Wednesday 19 June 2013

Match report: tornados 1s v jansenites (June 15th)

Match report: tornados 1s v jansenites (June 15th)

Score: Lost 5-0 :-(

Spirits were high in the Tornados camp following their first win in the Premier League last weekend-despite what some may say, a walkover is still a win, and a win means 3 points on the board!!! However, under the Singapore sizzling summer sun, and with a high proportion of the team injured or carrying injuries, the Tornados had their work cut out for them against a young and skilful Jansenties side.

The Tornados started strong with the defence putting into play what they had been practising at training and transferring the ball slickly around the back.  This allowed for early balls out to Meagan on the right who promptly looked for the line ball, and Rosie on the end of it.

The play was evenly distributed between the two teams with perhaps the Tornados dominating the first 15-20 minutes of play.  Jansenites slowly began to put the pressure on, winning numerous short corners and with minutes to go before the half time whistle, Jansenites took a 1-0 lead.

The second half saw the Tornados caught on the back foot from the very first whistle.  Within 2 minutes Jansenites had opened up their lead to 2-0.  There seemed to be gaps on the pitch allowing for Jansenites to have more space to play in.  Frustrations were beginning to show and Jansenites capitalised on this.

I must have taken a blow to the head at this point as 3 (yes 3!!) more goals were popped into the back of the net in the space of 8 minutes.  Like so many other matches this season, the Tornados found themselves stuck in a game where once again the score did not reflect the level of play itself.  

At 5-0 down and still another 15 minutes to go, it would have been easy to lose concentration (and move thoughts towards Beerfest later that night!) but where we have failed in other games and faded, the Tornados dug deep and found the energy to continue moving the ball forwards in the hope of clenching a goal back.   We came close and finally won our first short corner of the game.  Fresh from her dry needling, Holly provided some much needed speed up front and some great balls from the right into the D saw Jane Dickson unlucky not to get on the end of one of them. This was a positive end to an otherwise frustrating game.

The fact 8 players were nominated for girl of the game demonstrated how much of a team effort it was but it was Helen's non stop running in the midfield that saw her walk away with the crown, and very deservedly too

It may not have been a victory on the pitch but never has there been such a magnificent beer can tower at the Beerfest that night!!!

via Alex Gill

Wednesday 12 June 2013

1 June 2013 Ladies 1's Match Report

Match report

Tornados ladies 1's versus SCC

1st June 2013 at Sengkeng


Another week, another hot Saturday, another match and yet another Tornados man stepping up to try his hand at leading us to victory.  This week we welcomed Tim to team with high hopes of good game and most importantly a win.

Moods were positive before the match despite a slight dip in numbers with 13.5 players ready to hit the pitch (Holly willing to give it her best shot despite a lingering hammy injury). Pregame chat focused on communication, quick transition through midfield and high work rate. With this hot in our minds we hit the pitch.

The first half started positive for us with possession slightly in our favour and a strong defense.  Our delivery of the ball from midfield to attack was promising on occasions. After persistence with two short corners earned, the second delivered a goal via a strong hit from Sandra to the backboard.

Heads high, we continued to attack with Holly making great leads up the right unfortunately met by a strong defense. Not long before half time SCC managed to equalize. Kate took one for the team preventing a player entering the D but unfortunately it was at a high price with a direct hit to the hand and we were down to 12.5 women.

Half time rehydration and team talk encouraged more use of the right wing to exit defense, continued movement for the ball and more effective passing to prevent completely tiring out our legs.

Unfortunately in the second half SCC had a bit more energy in reserve than us making some quick breaks and maximizing on errors we were making.  Flo continued her amazing fight to keep our goal from being penetrated with some beautiful saves. After a second goal by SCC we remained determined, but with a third it was clear our confidence waned and our heads were dipping. Frustration understandably high the game finished 4-1 to SCC.

Post-match, there was a welcome suggestion of some team R&R off the pitch for the following week.

After an unfortunate misunderstood announcement by coach for the day Tim, the lady of the match tiara was removed from Sarah's head (the runner up) and given to Flo for her hard efforts during the game.

The reign of the 'whorenados' continues next week with Emerton surely going to give it his best shot.

Bring on the Dutch!

(Match report by Jane)

Monday 10 June 2013

Ladies Match Report Rescheduled Dutch Sunday 9 June 2013

Ladies 1s were down to 12 on Sunday evening, some out with injury and as well as few injuries to manage on game day. With Florence away, we also were without our regular goal keeper. After a 30 year retirement, Chris decided to step in. Well, apparently no-one else put their had up. After starting the team talk with stand-in coach, Kris (and broken finger Kate enroute), the call came from the umpires that the Dutch had forfeited and we had won 3-0 by a walkover. Not to be deterred, we put in a training session, practising some of our set plays, and watched the end of the exciting and rather heated Men's 1s game.

By Chris Tweedie

Sunday 26 May 2013

19 May 2013 - Ladies 1's Match Report

Match report - Sunday 19 May 2013

On a sunny Sunday afternoon Tornadoes ladies 1s played the SRC team for the second weekend in a row.  After suffering a 3-0 loss last weekend we were keen to turn the tables against SRC.  Kate stepped in as Captain with Rosie and Helen away and Dave Hogg filled in to coach in Johnny's absence.

Both teams weren't willing to play their cards too early and the game started with slow momentum. Possession was fairly even in the early exchanges despite Tornadoes having some good goal scoring opportunities. Some excellent goal keeping from Flo, who saved some near certain chances from SRC kept the scores level for first the half. Tornadoes showed some formidable resistance to the SRC attacking raids with solid defensive efforts from TJ,Cynthia, Max and Kate. Tornadoes counter attack sparked some excitement with strong runs from lady of the match Dom.  Unable to maintain the pressure in our attacking half the Tornadoes mid fielders were working hard to shutdown the SRC transfers across the field. Alex, Hills, Jane, and Nel were communicating well to ensure any unmarked SRC attackers were swiftly shutdown. After a fairly even first half it was hard to split who had the upper hand with both teams able to take away positives from the first 30 minutes.

The half time break proved to be the deciding factor. As quickly as a tropical storm can hit Singapore, SRC came out of the blocks in an aggressive fashion scoring within a couple of minutes of the second half starting whistle. Tornadoes had been stunned and left caught napping as SRC were able to slip through the defense and take the lead 1 nil. SRC took advantage of the momentum, adding pressure and eventually frustrations to the Tornadoes defensive efforts. Stuck in our own half Sanda, Chris and Dom did a good job getting behind the ball and adding to the defensive structure. All to no avail as SRC snuck in another 2 goals to lead 3 nil. Not losing hope Tornadoes were able to gather themselves and gradually claw their way back into the game.  Nel, Laura and Meagan were able to turn possession in our favour but the balls into their defense quarter were unable to find Tornadoes sticks. Frustrations began to build with Nel finding herself discussing the laws of the game with the refs after some interesting umpiring decisions. There was no backing down from Tornadoes but unfortunately we were unable to turn possession into opportunities as SRC added to the pain scoring again to take the final score to 4-0.

It was a disappointing finish to the game in which Tornadoes had plenty more to offer. As usual Tornadoes gave 100% effort in the trying Singapore conditions and the playing group will take the lessons learnt from this hit out and focus on the remaining games for the season.

Via Sarah  :)

5 May 2013 - Ladies 1's Match Report

Tornados Ladies 1's v. Jasenites - Sun 5 May

Final score: 1-3 loss


After two consecutive weekends of cancelled games due to lightening, and subsequent mothers meetings on the sideline replacing any form of hockey, the Tornados Ladies 1s were well overdue some pitch time when the Jasenites game came round on 5th May.


With this in mind, the weather could have been a bit more forgiving... a clear sky and one of the warmest days of hockey we've had this season awaited us, and the expat in us (plus Max and Flo!) was afraid, very afraid.


We could try to blame the weather, but as a team we didn't quite have our match heads on and seemed to be lacking that extra bit of fire on the pitch from the off. We found ourselves playing a reactive game, never really giving ourselves the chance to bring out our own 'A-game' – however despite this, we were by no means the lesser team and play was very evenly split, if not in our favour the majority of the time. The first half saw the Tornados score a beautiful goal off the back of some slick triangular passing up through the midfield into the dee where Dom, striker extraordinaire, added the finishing touch to put the ball neatly in the back of the goal and secure a lead for the Tornados as we went into the second half.


Jasenites came out hard in the second half and scored a goal against us fairly early on. This was enough to put the Tornados on the defense even more, and as our heads dropped the Jasenites managed to ring up a further two goals to bring the final score to 1-3, to the Jasenites. This was by no means a true reflection of the overall state of play and it was widely agreed afterwards that a draw would have been more fitting.


LOM went to a deserving Alex Gill, who had an absolute stormer in the back line as LD; turning over play to our advantage throughout the game and working the ball neatly up the sideline. Meanwhile in the centre, Laura G provided a solid point of distribution, switching the ball cleanly around the pitch. The whole team gave it their all on a very hot day, and the final score has certainly put the fire in us to go out on the offence from the whistle in all our games since.


Jasenites, watch out for a storm from Tornados when we see you next (*15th June, all support welcome!)…


Hilary, on behalf of the Ladies Ones

Monday 20 May 2013

Match report Prem League: Tornados vs. Jansenites

May 19th 2013: Prem League Tornados against Jansenites
Final result: Tornados 2 : Jansenites 4
Half-time: Tornados 2 : Jansenites 2
(Goals: JS Maing penalty corner / Jan Weislogel penalty shot)
Big game. Jansenites came with an almost perfect record, 7 games, winning 6 and drawing 1. Including strong opponents like SRC.
Tornados on a 4/4 record. And as Sanjay and Roy mentioned at pre-match briefing: “Our season starts now…!”
We missed a couple of regulars like Johnny Mayes, Olly King and Tim Klimcke, but Will was on board despite not being 100% fit.
Same with Barney, too much muscle around the knee…
Overall started with high attention, Jansenites equipped with several Singaporean internationals…and quick legs. Some of them could be our president’s kids.
It was still hot at 430 pm, but match started off well with first line-up Adi goalie, defensive line-up Volker, Fazly, Joo-Sie and Marin, Joran, Marcel, Pete and Jan as our midfield engines and Hoirul and Hari starting in the front. Wesley, Will and Barney always ready to substitute…
First 5min were hesitant from both sides, but we started then with our quick and precise ball passing, which was not really disturbed by the Jansenites. Hence, we started to create chances for Tornados, leading logically to the first penalty corner, created by Jan on the left side. Without our leading dragflicker Ben, who by the way is still the leading scorer for this season, we had to improvise and Joo-Sie tried his luck. To everyone’s surprise, the ball found his way and Tornado’s were up 1:0. As expected, Jansenites were not really intimidated and started with own attacks, one of them leading to an easy shot to equalize. Few minutes later, Jansenites still increasing their efforts, we lost the ball in the forward movement and with quick balls, made it too easy for Jansenites again to gain the lead. Tornado’s morale wasn’t broke though as we saw that we were on par and only own mistakes gave Jansenites a chance to score or even come close to our D.
We therefore increased our own efforts, which lead to another 2 penalty corners, the first was executed pooly, but the 2nd leading to a penalty shot, converted like an iceman by Jan. Strong shooter this man.
This was the score for the half-time and everything was open.
Story of the 2nd half is told rapidly. Jansenites didn’t win the game, but rather Tornados lost it. Too many easy mistakes made on our side gave Jansenites chances to penetrate our own 25, and at least the 4th goal was played out nicely by our opponents. At the end, Tornados didn’t had enough power and will to return, leading into the first loss of this season. Referee performance was also poor in the 2nd half, despite an acceptable 1st half, which lead to even more frustration. Disappointment was seen with the team, especially knowing that it would have been possible to keep the game open for much longer. But we will return and you will see it…this is what makes being-Tornados special. It was an interesting lesson, but only if we don’t learn out of it, it was worthless.
Due to holidays, the next 2 weekends are without games for the prem team, enough time to recover and prepare for the 2nd half of the season.
Thanks to all supporters who were there…
PS: This was Joran’s last game and we would have all wished to send him off with a win, sorry we couldn’t. We wish you and Sam all the thinkable best for the future and you will be missed as you have been such a crucial part of the team for a very long time. We will not forget you !

Monday 13 May 2013

Mens prem CSC 4th may match report

Match Report Mens Premier League

Tornados 1st XI vs CSC 1st XI, Saturday 4th May, push back 4.30pm


Half Time 2 – 0 (Weislogel 16min, King 25min)

Full Time 3 – 0 (Ayasse 39min)

Attendance – 19


By Olly King


Tornados men's premier squad entered their 3rd match of the season undefeated. Lining up against a remarkably familiar CSC outfit who were conquered 4 – 1 last weekend the mood in the camp was positive. Our squad of 15 included Beer and Headly who were again available and fit to play respectively. Klimcke and Fis were not available for selection and Apperly had rudely, fucked off back to the UK. Beer slotted into Apperly's shoes in the middle of the park with Hill and coach lined the team upfront with a high forward in front of a further 3 forwards in an attempt to take the game to CSC and over load their defence. Game plan = attack!!!


The sweltering conditions, under the heat of the afternoon Singapore sun, were felt by both teams. Match pace was below our standard zipping-the-ball-around-selves. Play was further slowed with bouncing passes and miss-traps galore causing of frustration all over the pitch. CSC never really look a threat to our defence, with their signature aerial passes from their defence rarely being controlled or quickly being neutralized by our solid defence. CSC's biggest threat of attack was invariably charitably facilitated by ourselves conceding possession with stray passes, rather than CSC challenging for the ball or dominating possession.


The dead-lock however was broken mid-way through the first half. Weislogel received the ball in CSC's half, following a transfer from right to left, who went on an attacking run using those silky skills Mayes had taught him. In the D Weislogel withstood several desperate 'axe'-like challenges from CSC defence to squeeze the ball along the baseline, past the keeper and across the line into the goal. Celebrations were immediately quashed by the umpire who had decided in her better wisdom to award a penalty corner one thousandth of a second before the ball crossed the line. Justice was however restored when Weislogel, quite fittingly, converted Maing's drag flick rebound from the penalty corner. 1 – 0 Tornados. Game on.


Tornados put together further periods of fluid hockey with the ball working its way up the lines to the industrious forwards running into the spaces and stretching CSC's defence. Premature attacks before midfield support arrived or inappropriately taking of awarded free hits by the forwards before the team had re-grouped in CSC's half lead to turn overs and the squandering of hard calorie-fuelled passages of play. On other occasions slow transfers around the back allowed CSC to cut off the lines limiting the number of times the ball made it up to the forwards. Amidst these passages play we reverted back to our 'standard' 4-4-2 line up, though not all received the memo leading to confusion up front.


Despite our chaotic on the pitch structure the Tornado's tireless work rate carried them through and were rewarded with another break through late into the first half. After an attacking run and great stick skills by Ayasse from the left along the baseline he got his feet around the ball to cut the ball back, by-passing three CSC defenders, to an unmarked King. King proceeded to have a ridiculous 'windmill'-wind up from the penalty spot to place the ball perfectly down the middle through the keeper's legs into the goal. 2 – 0 Tornados. Marching on.


The half time whistle could not come soon enough with fading Tornados bodies. Coach spoke at half time to concentrate on ball retention to protect our lead, in particular being more selective when we chose to push forward. More efficient movement of the ball around the back as well as improving communication were also remarked.


Ayasse was clearly motivated by these preachings to produce a goal worthy of a nomination for goal of the season. Tornado's had set up camp in the CSC half from the re-start, pressing from the outset as coach had originally asked us to do. A passage of attacking open play saw the ball fall to Ayasse on the right in our opponents 25. Ayasse weaved his way to the top of the D where he unleash a rocket of a reverse stick shot into the right side board of the goal by-passing a crowd of CSC defenders and their flapping keeper. 3 – 0 Tornados. Naturally the travelling supporters erupted in jubilation.


The third goal gave Tornados a solid handle on the game. However, under the cooler second half conditions CSC were rejuvenated and put our defence under periods pressure. We conceded several penalty corners that were efficiently dealt with by Sankalp and our defence ensuring the score line remained protected. CSC were getting frustrated with their efforts failing to reduce their goal deficit and began squabbling amongst themselves mainly directed at their number 8 at the back who continued to launch ineffective aerial balls to noone deep into our half.


Tornados produced further intermittent good passages of fluid hockey with the ball nicely working its way to the forwards up the flanks more consistently than in the first half. CSC atrocious defensive tackles in their own 25 awarded us a couple of penalty corners, offering Maing the opportunity to practice his drag flicks, which were creeping ever so close to being within the three white posts. Despite our efforts we could not better the score line.


The second half was perhaps summed for CSC by their number 8's frustrated, reckless rugby-like challenge on Ayasse in their own D in the dying seconds. He received a yellow card and a walk of shame to the dug out amidst cheers from our loyal supporters in the grandstand. Final score 3 – 0. Clean sheet. Job done. Next match, Police re-match!

MAtch report Ladies 2s versus SCC. May 4th 2013

Ladies 2s Match report  Saturday 4th May 2013

SCC- NIL v Tornadoes - 3

This was the return fixture against SCC that was played last week, when before lightning stopped play we were romping away with a 1 nil lead - well we should have been romping away as we had had about 10 short corners! This week we were keen to produce a result that reflected the dominance we had in the game previously.  

We started this match strongly with a few good lead runs down the left and right but we were not able to get the ball into the D which was frustrating for the forwards who were keen to score, especially as the opposition only had a kicking back. This frustration spread as we pushed forward and started to make mistakes or not move the ball on as quickly as we have done in the past. About 5 minutes from half time a loose ball from the SCC defence went to Marieke and she very calmly dribbled it into the goal. Phew, 1 nil and we all settled down a bit.

We had a good talking to at half time and Joran’s words and the dousing from the water jets calmed us all down with great results. Within a few minutes after a couple of excellent drives down the right by Erin and the left by Sam, Sam passed the ball to me Jacque, who pathetically pushed it towards the goal and as all goalies will tell you the pathetic ones are the hardest to save, the ball sauntered into the goal. 2-nil. The SCC team kept fighting and continued to thwart our attack and had themselves some good attacks towards our D however these were ably dismissed by our solid defence. Another flurry of attacks by us down both flanks was rewarded by a great goal for our captain Sam. The attack continued with narrow misses for Marloes and Virginia. Man of the match Lizzie  and Jacque.

Great team effort and excellent coaching from Kris and Joran  




Jacqueline Shorrocks


13 May 2013 Ladies 1's Match Report

Cards: None

Injuries: None

Girls of the match: Flo and Nel

Singapore Recreation Club 3: Tornados Club 0

The cloud cover that shielded us from the ferocious 3pm sun did not morph into a tropical thunderstorm, thankfully, which means game on against THE top premier league team. This is the 3rd game of the season and we were all pumped up, raring to kick butt. However, despite our motivation and 100% commitment we started the game playing to the pace of the opponents. We looked like we had forgotten most of that hard work we had put in at training. Our basics were lacking, with a few good transfers, one-twos along the left and right amongst the mid-fielders and backs.  I will grudgingly give them this: Nice corner set piece with a layoff to the left, then right post and into goal. Kudos to the defense and our favourite goalkeeper who turns out to be an acrobat, SRC managed to find the backboard only once with 10 penalty corners against us, 9 of which we could not understand what for.


Half-time instruction from Johny: Close up the (*&%-ing hole in the middle!!!

This change in strategy to a full press and more earnest man-to-man marking saw the forwards and mid-fielders playing hard as our first line of defence. Each move was shadowed. Every pass chased down. The centre mid-fielders were the pivotal glue of this half! We were constantly in their 25 and circle, but even with a series of poetic short, sharp passes, our chances just could not be converted.


We played true to Evil Kurgan's proclamation: It is better to burn out than to fade awaaaaay..... We will get you next time SRC!


Goodbye and good journey, Carline. It was great meeting you and having you on the team.


Reported by Max

Sunday 12 May 2013

mens prem match report vs csc 4th may

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Match Report Prem League: against CSC

Match report 2nd match of the season...we had the local Ceylon Sports Club on a late Saturday afternoon. Due to lightning and rain, the earlier matches of Women 1s got postponed and Women 2nd had to finish with another 25min to play...

Question was whether we belong to this league or not...lucky win the week earlier against a strong Police squad (3:2), but our Prem squad not really happy about the performance as we knew we can play better as a team. It started well, our offense line with Marcel, Olly and Hoirul worked hard to get some chances...which they did. But we missed the the last consequence and didn't score, but it felt as this could be a good game.

Then, basically out of nothing, CSC showed up in front of Adi and our defense line around Marin, Fazly, Wesley, Barney and Joo-Seuk and were granted a penalty corner. With a bit of luck and Marin's stick, they managed to score and lead 0:1, leaving our earlier efforts behind.

We remained patient, continued to work hard on additional chances...which lead into 2 penalty corners, both were successfully drag-flicked by Ben, our leading scorer this and last season. Needless to say that we will miss him a lot as he is departing from Singapore this Wednesday. By now, our prem squad was in comfortable lead and didn't allow more chances for CSC, whereas we continued to penetrate their final 25. Another penalty corner was stopped only by the body of one of the CSC defender, but the referees did not catch this...Now, our prem team constantly penetrated the defense and had additional was finally conversed by our local Army man Hoirul.

In the 2nd half, having a comfortable lead of 3:1, Tornado's tried also different formations, which may come handy later this season, a final goal by our young runner Marcel was the result and included a nice play through the whole team.
Final result 4:1 and spectators from all other teams as Police, SRC and SCC that may wonder now, whether this Tornado's prem squad are push-overs or not. We are not.

Man of the Match and a huge loss to our team and the whole Club: Ben Apperly.
A small farewell after the match with an emotional Ben left us behind.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Mens Prems Match Report - 20 April 2013

Taking the Sting out of the Police…

Following on from 3 plus months' worth of training and the lightning excitement / postponed game the week before, the men's prem team was chomping at the bit for the first game to arrive.

The opposition this week was The Police and while they were without Sting in their line-up, we knew they would still be a formidable opponent, being regulars in the Prem division. As this was our first foray into the lofty heights of this league, we were the New Kids on the Block, but would we be Hangin' Tough…?

We began the first half strongly, holding possession and controlling the middle of the park and occasionally finding joy down the flanks as foreseen by our handlers Sanjay and Roy. However the Police, were not to be denied, and through a mixture of their inside out passes, they slowly exerted their presence in the match and took the lead with some solid attack play. Their joy was short-lived though as we stormed back into the game courtesy of our Scraggy (Scooby-doo) look-alike, Ben, crashing the ball past their helpless keeper with his lovely reverse stick shot on edge of the D – game on. We then confirmed our dominance in the game with some slick work down the wing from our resident Kiwi and Vet, Joran and Olly, combining well to feed Hoirul (or MJ after Sat night) sliding in at the goal and Tornado's were truly up and running in the league.

We went in at H-Time, knowing The Police were going to come out strongly in the second half, but rallying words from cowboy Johny, ensured we were suitably geed up for their riposte.

The second half typified the Tornados spirit with some tireless running from all 16 of the guys, under the blistering sun. While the ref was preventing Jan from wielding his usual dominance down the left hand side, we found other avenues to attack from; however the ever imposing Police with 'every breath they took' were also gaining momentum that broke our backline to level up at 2 apiece. Worse was to come as some debatable decision-making in our D led to a penalty flick, this meant that the stage was set for Adi "I fly in from KL for the games" to continue his impressive form in between the sticks. Adi duly obliged and saved down low to his right and with 5 or so minutes to go the game was set for a grandstand finish.

The grandstand finish was delivered when having won a short corner in the last minute of the game, Ben stepped up, for one of the last times as a Tornado, and proceeded to do what he did all last year and drag it into the roof of the goal. Game finished  - Tornados win 3-2 on our first ever Prem league outing – a great effort from all involved and we're nicely set for the rest of the season.

Unofficial MOM – Ben 'Unchained'

Lyrics by Barny

Monday 22 April 2013

Ladies 2's Match Report – 13 April 2013

Tornados Ladies 2's v's NYP, 0-1 against.
This was the 2nd game of the season for the ladies 2's who are a mix of new and seasoned players. The game didn't disappoint, where all 20 ladies played enthusiastically despite Singapore's all year round Summer. Every member of the team deserves to be congratulated for having worked tirelessly until the final whistle. The match saw more short passing, taking tha ball around the back, and communication as the Coaches - Joran and Kris reinforced in the pre-game team chat.
The centre of the pitch saw excellent performances from the seemingly inexhaustable midfield players including Debbie, Jacqui and Lizzie, but many good plans were thwarted by the relentless tackles of the skilled and speedy NYP players. Tornados strong defence kept fierce attacks at bay with memorable shots from Abi and Jennie returning the ball in play.
Tornados forwards attacked with determination and gusto, especially in the 2nd half when shots from Sam and Raechelle went just wide accompanied by Awws fron the Super Saturday Crowd. NYP's only goal in the 2nd half shows they will be a major force in the league with the Tornados ladies 2's close on their heels!
Jennie was voted 'Player of the Match'.

Written by Marianne.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Ladies 1's Match Report – 13 April 2013

Ladies 1's Match Report – 13 April 2013

The ladies 1st team played there opening game in the league after a great build up to the start of the season. We knew it would be a tough game on this hot Super Saturday but we were ready to beat the Crescents with a large squad of 17 highly motivated players!

We arrived early at Sengkang and had a good warm up. Although Tim reminded us to communicate, recycle where necessary and to be clinical and aggressive, we started weak in the first 10 minutes. During the course of the match we started to play better hockey with Lady of the Match Laura dominating on the midfield. However, the opening goal was for the Crescents. The new rule of this season resulted in the 0-1 scored by our own defender (but to be positive: Teej it is your first goal in this league!)

Half time came and gave us the opportunity to rehydrate and to re-set ourselves under the management of Tim. However, the second half also didn't start as planned and the 0-2 fell after only 3 minutes… After this goal we finally woke up and played better and more attractive hockey! We fought hard and had some great attacks and chances to grab a goal although we were not able to score…

This opening game resulted in a disappointing 0-2 loss. The negative thing is that we didn't achieve the level we had in some of the prior friendly matches. The positive thing is that we dominated in a large part of the second half and that we are now even more motivated to beat the Dutch next Sunday ("We gaan ze pakken!!!!!").

A big thanks goes to Tim for coaching us, to Sayj for the (mental) support and all other people who came down to support us!!


Monday 1 April 2013

Ladies 1's Match Report - 28 Mar 2013

Ladies 1's Match Report - 28 Mar 2013

With the excitement of an upcoming bank holiday along with the prospect of eating copious amounts of Easter chocolate, the Tornados were in high spirits before the start of their last game before the league begins.

The game began solidly for Tornados with excellent communication throughout the pitch and spells of forward momentum bringing chances. SRC held strong and used their skilful midfield players to put the game on even footing. Despite some pressure from SRC, outstanding tackles from Victoria Tudor-Jones and Maxine Chia prevented any threats. Tornados team play put pressure back on the SRC players with some well executed passes from the defensive line enabling the forward breaks. Fully utilising their whole team, Tornados managed to get a short corner. After a beautifully hit strike from Sandra Acket, the ball bounced off the SRC keeper and into the back of the net giving the Tornados a well-deserved 1-0 lead.

After a water break, rest and team talk at half time, the second half began with some pressure exerted from the SRC side. Tornados managed to absorb this with continuous defensive effort. After a near miss on an SRC short corner, Tornados were determined to maintain their lead. Woman of the match Helen Waddell was all over the pitch making excellent runs and passes to open up the game for an attack. With persistent runs from Holly Klimcke, Tornados utilised their wings and managed to put pressure back on SRC. There were several near misses almost extending the lead to 2-0; the Tornados persisted and despite getting another short corner, were unable to capitalise.

With yet another short corner being called for Tornados the final whistle blew, this resulted in an overall victory of 1-0 to the Tornados. This puts the Tornados in excellent stead for the beginning of the league next week. Overall, Tornados had a 'stormer' with fantastic team play, support and communication throughout. Easter eggs all around...

Ladies 1's Match Report - 22 Mar 2013

Ladies 1's Match Report – 22 Mar 2013

The Ladies 1st XI were officially back in action on Friday night with a pre-season, premier league opener against Jansenites.  With 2 wins under their belt the week before, it was time to put team capabilities to the test. 

Tornadoes started strong with aggressive one-two passing and considerable pace up the pitch.  Jansenites had a well-drilled side with 2 strong midfielders distributing and leading the charge.  Their attack inspired tactical 'recycling' around the back from Tornado defence and some amazing saves from keeper Florence.  Jansenites got a cheeky shot off in the circle to pull a 1-0 advantage over Tornadoes in the first half.

Tornadoes responded with a number of offensive opportunities in the second half.  The 4-4-2 formation penetrated the Jansenite defence 7 times in the second half and converted 2 short corners.  Charlie White got a practiced edge on one short corner crash ball... however, no luck as the ball sailed just over the net. 

Tornado ladies fought hard but were unable to equalize.  End result was 1-0 to Jansenites.  Excellent game to all Tornado ladies.  Joint man of the match went to Florence and Chris Tweedy.