Monday 1 April 2013

Ladies 1's Match Report - 22 Mar 2013

Ladies 1's Match Report – 22 Mar 2013

The Ladies 1st XI were officially back in action on Friday night with a pre-season, premier league opener against Jansenites.  With 2 wins under their belt the week before, it was time to put team capabilities to the test. 

Tornadoes started strong with aggressive one-two passing and considerable pace up the pitch.  Jansenites had a well-drilled side with 2 strong midfielders distributing and leading the charge.  Their attack inspired tactical 'recycling' around the back from Tornado defence and some amazing saves from keeper Florence.  Jansenites got a cheeky shot off in the circle to pull a 1-0 advantage over Tornadoes in the first half.

Tornadoes responded with a number of offensive opportunities in the second half.  The 4-4-2 formation penetrated the Jansenite defence 7 times in the second half and converted 2 short corners.  Charlie White got a practiced edge on one short corner crash ball... however, no luck as the ball sailed just over the net. 

Tornado ladies fought hard but were unable to equalize.  End result was 1-0 to Jansenites.  Excellent game to all Tornado ladies.  Joint man of the match went to Florence and Chris Tweedy.

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