Tuesday 20 January 2015

THC - Breakdown of Membership Fee's for 2015.

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Tornados Hockey Club

Hi  Everyone,

You should all have received an email inviting you to pay the 2015 Tornados Membership Fee of $450.00. Deadline for payment of Friday 13th of February 2015.

Since I sent that out there have been a few queries about our fee structure; so this is a good opportunity to list the various levels of membership and what is included in the cost:

Full membership - $450. This includes all training, coaches, League and Liga games in 2015. Indoor games, tours and social events are optional and not included in this amount.

Committee membership - $225.00. This is for committee members who contribute their own time to the club.

Training membership - $150.00. This includes training only. No matches.

Student membership - $150.00. Available to all members who hold a valid student pass and includes all training plus League and Liga games. Indoor games, tours and social events are optional and not included in this amount.

Social membership - $50.00. You want to continue to support the club but will not be playing or training.

A request for full membership has been sent to everyone. If you should have student, training only or social membership then please let me know and I will send you the PayPal link for that category. You can contact me at jenniemcgavin@yahoo.co.uk.

Please note if you want to play League or Liga then you must be wearing the latest Tornados kit - $110.00. Any new kit orders please contact Maxine at chiamaxine@yahoo.com

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Jenn McGavin
Membership Secretary

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