1) We have a new SPONSOR! And you can get a FREE fitted/custom-made mouthguard, courtesy of ExpatDental!! www . expatdental . com (read instructions at the end of this email).
2) Have you registered on facebook for BOON LAY DAY (June 6th)?!
3) Personal Message from Beccie (Ladies' 1s)
"Hello Tornados!
Wheelchair Rugby needs your help! (thanks so much in advance for your vote)
My Dad is leading the development of wheelchair rugby at our local rugby club back home (Canterbury Rugby Club). The team formed a year ago and already they are winning the shield at the National Championships!
They would like to develop further the club's provision of sport to the disabled community and they are also looking to work closely with the Special Olympic GB to develop rugby for people with learning difficulties.
The Club have submitted a proposal to the AVIVA Community Fund to win a grant for this fantastic cause but WE NEED YOUR VOTES! PLEASE REGISTER HERE: https://community-fund . aviva . co . uk/
AND VOTE FOR CANTERBURY RUGBY CLUB HERE: https://community-fund . aviva . co . uk/voting/project/view/1260/
You have 10 votes so use them all wisely!
Thanks so much in advance. I have been to a couple of their sessions and it brings so much joy to those who are less able than ourselves - fingers crossed they are awarded the grant they deserve!"
Monday Fitness: 8-9pm, Evans Road - All Welcome (meet by the grandstand at 7.55pm).
Tuesday Training: 26/05, 8-10 pm, Evans Road - ALL Welcome
All LIGA results here: www . hockeyliga . wix . com/2015
2s VS Jansenites: 3-1 loss
2s VS Vijayanti: 5-0 loss
1s VS Tannibellies: 4-0 win
Men's :
Indoor VS Eagles A: ??
4s VS Eagles: 4-0 loss
1s VS Happy Hour Eagles: ??
3s VS Thisisri: 2-1 win
2s VS Hollandse: 2-1 win
1s Saturday 30/05, 4pm @ Evans Rd VS Crescent
Men's :
Indoor: Tuesday 26/05, 8:45pm @ Evans Rd VS Eagles B
**Always telling yourself "I can't believe I just paid $15 for a bootle of beer" ?!** Fear not! you can benefit from our Club's discounts from 6 Drunk Men (-20%).
And check this out : -5 to -10% from ACCOR!!
For Accor use www . accorhotels . com, quote: company name Tornados Hockey Club; Company ID: SCP422348; Contract number: 5000
For 6 Drunk men; email buybeer@6DM.sg quote TORNADOS
For Free mouthguard by ExpatDental.com
HOW? 1) contact the practice (6397 6718) or go online to book an appointment and mention the name of the Tornados Hockey Club; 2) Go to your 15 minutes appointment. The usual paperwork will still be required eg medical history just as a formality. If you need anything else such as a check up, you can ask to do it at the same time or schedule it when you come in for the teeth impression. 3) The mouth guard will be ready 1 week later for collection!
ROGER RHINO, NOW ON TWITTER! Follow @RogerRhino1 for all the latest updates on Tornados Hockey!
We have a brand new Facebook page! Share the love: https://www . facebook . com/TornadosHockeyClub
*** Thank you & Have a wonderful week! ***
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