Tuesday 11 August 2015

THC - Majulah Tornados - weekly round-up and Super Saturday!

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Tornados Hockey Club

Majulah Singapura and indeed onwards we march as Tornados!


Only one session this week, Wednesday 8-10pm for all teams.


FFS, it's Friday night:
Mens' 2s 8pm vs SRC

Super Saturday:

Ladies' 2s 4.30pm vs Vijayanti

Mens' 2s 6pm vs Hollandse

Mens' 3s 7.30pm vs Balestier Lions

Struggling Sunday:

Ladies 1s 4.30pm vs SRC

Mens' 4s vs Republic Poly

Super Saturday will see the club organise food and drink pitchside at Sengkang before we all head to Bungy Bar together on the awaiting minibus to continue the festivities.

It's a great way to get to know other members of the club so please come down to Super Saturday to support and enjoy the club atmosphere. 


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