Saturday 20 February 2016

Reminder: Payment for Payment for 2016 Tornados Membership Fee - Full membership

Tornados Hockey Club

This is an automatically generated e-mail message reminding you that you are still required to pay the following charge to Tornados Hockey Club:

Payment for 2016 Tornados Membership Fee - Full membership

Payment Description

Hi  Everyone,

Here is the detail of 2016 Membership fees.

Full membership - $450. This includes all training, coaches, League and Liga games in 2016. Indoor games, tours and social events are optional and not included in this amount.

Ladies’ 3 membership - $350. This include all training, coaches and friendly games in 2016. This membership does not include the participation in the League. Ladies who will like to play for the women’s 2s and join the League could do it at a later stage and pay the additional 100$’s fee.

Committee membership - $225.00. This is for committee members who contribute their own time to the club.

Training membership - $150.00. This includes training only. No matches.

Student membership - $150.00. Available to all members who hold a valid student pass and includes all training plus League and Liga games. Indoor games, tours and social events are optional and not included in this amount.

Social membership - $50.00. You want to continue to support the club but will not be playing or training.

Please click to the "Pay now" button bellow if you will be a full member and you will be redirected to paypal where you can pay by any credit/debit card.

If you should have student, training only, ladies’ 3 or social membership then please let me know and I will send you the PayPal link for that category.

You can contact me at

Please note if you want to play League or Liga then you must be wearing the latest Tornados kit - $110.00. Any kit orders, please let me know and I will send you the PayPal link for that. As soon has you have paid for it, we will arrange the kit to be delivered.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Deadline for this payment is Friday 13rd Feb 2016



Membership secretary

You can go to the following link to pay securely online:

We accept VisaMasterCardAmerican ExpressDiscoverPayPal

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