Wednesday 22 November 2017

THC - Notice of 2017 Annual General Meeting

This e-mail has attached files - see below

Dear Tornados,

The committee of 2017 would like to cordially invite you all to attend this years Annual General Meeting (AGM). Attached is the official notice

Date: Wednesday 22nd November 2017
Time: Commencing at 7.30pm
Place: Harry's Bar at Boat Quay, Singapore

At the AGM, members will have an opportunity to hear about Tornados Hockey Clubs operations and finances and ask relevant questions. Our Temporary President, Isobel, will chair the meeting and provide, as stated by our constitution, the financial years accounts and the annual report. Any member who wishes to place an item on the agenda of the General Meeting may do so provided he/she gives notice to Isobel Lyall before the start of the meeting.

Attached is the draft agenda for your perusal, the AGM minutes from 2016 (which will also be supplied in hard copy prior to the beginning of the meeting), the committee members roles and the people standing for the roles in 2018. Also attached is a voting proxy form which will be accepted up to the start of the AGM meeting.

We implore all members to make the effort to come tonight as it really is the best platform to speak and hear issues regarding the club and its management. Its also in your best interest as a member to understand why the choices are made in regards to training, games, teams and equipment distribution.

Any questions prior to tonights event please contact Isobel via email: or phone: +65 8720 9003.

The committee of 2017.


The following files are attached to this e-mail:

AGM Agenda 2017.pdf
97.05Kb   View   Download
Office Bearers positions and nominations for 2017.pdf
81.82Kb   View   Download
THC Proxy Voting Form - AGM2017.pdf
30.07Kb   View   Download
THC 2016 AGM Minutes.pdf
270.21Kb   View   Download
THC Committee members roles - Nov 17.pdf
84.51Kb   View   Download

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