Monday 27 September 2010

Div 3 - Sikhs 3 Tornados 1

The Div3 team played at Sengkang on Saturday afternoon, and went down to top-of-the-table Sikhs 3-1. The game was of two halves for Tornados, poor team structure led to a couple of soft goals (plus a very well worked one) by Sikhs to take them into the interval 3-0 up. A good team talk was had at half time: structure and keep possession were the two main aims for the second half. This was actually followed, which tightened up the defence nicely to keep a clean sheet. the right wing also was asking questions throughout the half, and after a build up including Naveen and Dan, Richard Goddard scored the Tornados goal.

Better swork will prevent this in future: team structure is always required so the aim for the next game is to do just that.

Improvement from this game was in discipline: we argued with the umpires a lot less than normal. If we can get the discipline working in our other areas, we still have a chance of a top 4 finish and then it's knock-out hockey to be played!

Thurs 30th Sep 8pm at Delta v CSC, 8pm - TO BE CONFIRMED

Sun 3rd Oct at Senkang P2 v Ngee Ann Poly, 6pm

Sunday 26 September 2010

1s Suffer in Scorching Heat

The First Team succumbed to a surprise loss today in sweltering conditions at Seng Kang.

Missing 2 key midfielders, and playing against a much younger C&C, the Tornados never managed to get into their stride. As the sun sapped their energy, they were unable to properly employ their, usually formidable, full-court press. They still managed to dominate the first half, yet were caught on the break just 3 times and came in at half time 3-1 down, much against the run of play.

It was not the day to chase a game and, despite the team spirit and commitment holding firm, the heat, combined with inferior fitness, meant that the final result was 5-1.

The League Championship, although not impossible, now seems a struggle. However, the Tornados still look strong to qualify for the knock-out competition.

Saturday 25 September 2010

10 Valiant Beez Lose 2-1

The 10 men of the Beez turned up at Sengkang to find 16 embryos from the Indian Association busy warming up for the match. Sloppy defending let IA in for their first goal but it was practically the only mistake the defence made during the game. Both the Defence and Midfield put 110 percent into the game and nobody can complain about the team's commitment. The Beez forwards had little support but managed to make a few chances for themselves.

The Beez went 2-0 down early in the second half from an excellent reverse stick hit from IA. Despite playing with only 10 players the Beez got back into the game with Agro (Mr Meat Popsicle) netting yet another goal. With the defence soaking up all the IA attacks the Beez even had chances on the break to square the game late on.

A very solid shift from the Beez despite the loss.

Sunday 19 September 2010

Div 3 result: Tornados 1 IA 1

The Div 3 mens team came away with a well fought 1-1 draw with the Indian Association early Sunday morning (well, anytime on Sunday morning is early!)

The first half was a scrappy affair with both teams complaining loudly to the umpires over several issues, and though the strange (through these rose-tinted specs) decisions kept coming, the game played on. The shin-padless IA no 7 capitalised on his light feet and wove through the Tornados defence with stick, ball and feet to slot in the opening goal half way through the first half.

Tornados stuck to their guns and carried on making clever decisions out of defence, and the second half started brightly with some good interplay between Sharoull and Daenan showed the Tornados weren't beaten yet. IA had sporadic attacks including a couple of PCs, but still the defence held. One tight moment with 10 mins to go saw the goalie keep the ball out and Tornados in the game. As the clock ran down, Tornados started putting together some fine, urgent hockey which ended with a fine hit forward collected by Richard Goddard and flicked left to Naveen. Naveen then slotted the ball lovely into the top of the net, bringing the scores equal at 69 mins. The urgency continued but just not enough time to get that second goal.

The beers were again well earned, and Calyton came away with MoM.

Thanks again to the supporters/managers, and we look forward to next weeks game (4:30pm, v Sikhs SC at Sengkang P2, Saturday 25th September, with the Beaz on pitch 1 playing IA at the same time).

Saturday 18 September 2010

Killer Beez really do sting!!

The Killer Beez found their form again to run out comfortable winners against the Cheeseheads. Goals either half of the break from Dr Fungus and a short corner strike from French Billy, on his debut after promotion from the 1's, saw the Beez win 3-0. Garfield at the back remained a noisy spectator for most of the game.

Notable mentions go out to Towners for trying to hatch the ball and Kotters for his frequent visits to the big white telephone in the changing rooms.

Friday 17 September 2010

Hockey this weekend

Hi Tornados followers,

Tornados teams play three games on this weekend, with the game that was due to tonight being postponed by the SHF earlier this week. All games move to SengKang for the weekend, and will continue to be there for most games from now on. The pitches are great, having had both the Youth Hockey World Cup and Youth Olympics on them in the last year, but as we all know, it takes an age to get there. If you are going, make sure you plan in travel time.

Both the Div 1 and Killer Beaz, take on the mighty Orangemen this weekend. The KB's, by league position, seem evenly matched, with the Dutch being one position below the Killer Beaz. See them in action on Saturday 18th Sept, 4:30pm.

Div 1 team are lying second, with a won 2 drawn 2 record, and come up against a Dutch team yet to gain a point from their games. The game is on Sunday 19th Sept at 6pm.

The Div 3 team are in a loose sandwich between the two games, coming up against the Indian Association at 10:30am, Sunday 19th Sept. We know what IA are like, but a promise good turn out in numbers should bolster the team and make the game a lot easier than recent ones.

For info, Div3 team have had 2 reasons to be cheerful this week: first, the SHF overturned an 8-1 drubbing against JFA due to ineligible players, handing the Tondados a 3-0 win. That moved them to 3rd place. OK, it was won by default, but the team are anxious to capitalise on such leaps. Secondly, the dreaded Friday night game against CSC at SengKang was postponed by the SHF. The re-scheduled game is to be confirmed, but is likely to be at Delta on a Thursday night, much easier for everyone to get to.

Get your pom poms out boys and girls, and give the Tornados a cheers!

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Tornados Hockey Social News

Dear All,

Just a quick couple of 'save the dates' for upcoming Tornados Hockey Club social events and functions:

Tornados Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeeeen Party!
When: Saturday 30th October, 2010 - 7.30pm till late!
Where: Harrys @ Boat Quay
Details: Fancy Dress!
(Pricing & ticketing to be announced............)

'The Agro Cup!'
When: Sunday 31st October, 2010 - 2pm onwards
Where: Hockey Village
Details: Intra-club 'State-of-Origin' tournament

These dates are FIRM in the diary. More information on registration for both events to follow soon........


Best wishes,
Fishy (Social Sec)

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Quiz Night Write-up

For those of you who were at the Quiz Night, you might be interested to read the write-up and photos in the KC Dat Magazine.

You can download it from here.

Friday 10 September 2010

Charity Hockey Game Fri 8th Oct

Hi Tornados Members and supporters,
Tornados HC in collaboration with SCC and The Dutch Club and sanctionned by the SHF will be organising a Charity Game :

"Foreign Talent All Stars " vs Singapore National Team.

The game is in Support for the Floods victims in Pakistan. Why Pakistan? Because it's a hockey Nation and we as a hockey fraternity can help them.

I hope we can full support from the THC Members. We will be looking for some volunteers to run drinks stall, collect money and run activities.

Thank You


Thursday 9 September 2010

New Committee (Provisional)

Dear Tornados,

A new committee structure has been proposed to better cope with a larger, more active club and, of course, the impending departure of Agro, our rudder for so many years.

This is in no way meant to exclude anyone so, if you are keen to get involved, please step up as we always need more help.

The intent is to put this new structure in place in September to see how it goes, make adjustments as necessary and formally ratify it at the AGM in January.

Please feel free to contact anyone below if you have any questions or suggestions.


President - Jerry Singh

Secretary - TJ and
Assistant Secretary - TBC from the men's section
Keep records, liaise with ROS, SHF, new membership enquiries, website, book astro

Treasurer - Richard Ayres
Propose subs, plan budget, handle transactions, liaise with IRAS

Social Secretary - Gareth Fish
To be assisted by a Social Committee, comprising of the captain or nominated representative from each team. Major events shall be:
- Start of Season Party before the Ladies League
- Mid Season Party between the Leagues
- Awards Night at end of Men's League
- Intra-Club State of Origin Mixed Cup

Tour Secretary - Kirsten
Liaise with various tournament organisers and to nominate/assist organisers for individual tours

Quartermaster  - Tony
Ordering kit and equipment

Ladies's Representative - Rotating
The Ladies will have their own sub-committee to reflect the fact that their league is at a different time from the men, and will provide one member for each committee meeting. This committee will also be on hand to assist the Club Committee as necessary.

Wednesday 8 September 2010


Dear All,

This Saturday will see Australia play New Zealand in another Bledisloe Cup match! A game sure to be full of excitement, flair and passion! Will Australia sneak it with a last minute three pointer like last week? Will New Zealand continue their dominance of this years' Tri-Nations?

Don't care?......Well you should!!!! As your Tornados Harry's Card needs to see some game time!!!!!!

Join other Tornados to watch this event whilst enjoying some beers nicely discounted by your Tornados Harry's Cards!!!!!!!! (Harry's HPL bottled lager at $5 each!!!!!!!)

Event: Australia v New Zealand
Location: Harry's @ Robertson Quay
Date/Time: Saturday 11th September 2010, 6pm KO (followed by Everton v ManU at 7:45pm)

Get down there to support The Tornados!

(Social Secretary - Tornados Hockey Club)

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Prodigal Son Brings Win for 3s

Div 3 - Tornados 1 OVA 0

The Tornados Div3 team won their first game of the league which should keep us mid table. Not the best, but certainly an improved performance across the board and some good individual performances.

A great game for Paul Bains to come back and show us what he's learnt in Hong Kong including goal scoring, and great to meet a few more players that is making our game that little bit tighter. Huge game for everyone that helped out in defence, which just didn't stop communicating all through the game. MoM was a hard choice, Barry Daniels quite rightly took the award for a strong performance in that defence. A deserved 1-0 win, well done lads!

The game was very tight, with incursions into both D areas frequent enough, but neither team getting the killer instinct to take them ahead. The odd ball coming into the keeper just pinged back off, and though several penalty corners were awarded to OVA, the runners, lead by Barry, kept them from a decent shot on goal all day long.

The light took a turn for the worse in the second half, with floodlights not being in full working order, but the game carried on after the umpires brought out their light meters and confirmed with captains.

Paul B's goal was just weird: he's claiming a dribble in from his own D, but we really know it was closer to their 25. Still fantastic, and though the writer was unsighted, the cheers from the forwards and the shrill umps whistle meant loud cheers from the sideline cheerleaders and goalie as well.

Comedy moment of the day? Watching Dan and Barry trying to stand up and leave Harry's after a couple of beers. Trust me, we were laughing for 5 mins....because that's how long it took!

Huge thanks to all that came to watch us, many thanks for lending your voices, cheers and assistance throughout the game. Please keep it up: it's a bit further away next time!

Next games:
Friday 17th Sept - 8:00pm v CSC - Sengkang Pitch 2
Sunday 19th Sept - 10:30am v IA - Sengkang Pitch 2

Please start filling in the google doc

Saturday 4 September 2010

Beez Still Looking to Earn Stripes

The Killer Beez are still looking for top gear as they lost a game against SCC that should have been there for the taking. The Beez went 1-0 down early in the 1st half when a poor 16 was intercepted as it crossed the top of the D allowing the SCC forward to shoot unopposed into the far corner.

SCC doubled their lead later in the 1st half when the Beez were caught with far too many players forward. SCC broke away and ended up with a 3 0n 1 on the Beez goal.

The Beez did manage to improve in the second half but went down 3-0 from a strong reverse hit which Garfield got a hand to but will be disappointed not to have kept out.

The Beez have now probably played all the strongest teams in Div 2 and must now regroup to put some points on the table. An outside chance of a playoff place is still there.

Friday 3 September 2010

Games Week End 5th Sep.

Hi all,
below are this week end Games :
Sunday, September 5
 M2 v SCC at Delta
 M3 v OVA
M1 does not played and will resume league game on the 19 Sept.
good luck to M2 and M3

Tornados move top of Division 1

30 August 2010, SINGAPORE |Tornados move to the top of the Singapore Hockey Federation SHF Men's Division 1 table following their fine 2-1 win over defending champions Singapore Recreation Club (SRC).
Despite sitting at the pinnacle of the league, the Tornados know that they still have lots to do if they are to wrest the title they won back in 2008 this term. Singapore Cricket Club (SCC) and C&C United are both undefeated and look truly solid.
The mix of experience and youth has aided SCC's quest for the title this season but newly promoted C&C are the surprise package of the league. The former came back from 2-goals down to beat the league leaders Tornados 3-2 while the youthful look of the latter has injected much needed freshness into the league and more positives are expected from the team coached by Fred Martens.
Meanwhile, last season's finalist Hollandse Club lie a lowly 6th in the table following their shock 2-1 reverse at the hands of C&C United. SRC are a place below them no thanks to alphabetical ranking. However both these sides are expected to bounce back and make headway in the right direction as the league progresses.
Old Rafflesians Association (ORA) and Nanyang Technological University played out an exciting 3-3 draw to help neither side make progress up the table. Nonetheless, ORA are now in 4th spot and that would be somewhere they would like to be at the end of the league.
Results and upcoming fixtures:







27 Aug 10



Tornados HC



29 Aug 10

Hollandse Club


C & C United



29 Aug 10






29 Aug 10

Tornados HC











5 Sep 10



C & C United



5 Sep 10






5 Sep 10

Hollandse Club






EHL 2010-2011: Draw and Venues known!

Euro Hockey League 2010-2011: Round 1 Draw and Venue Announcement

2 September 2010

The Euro Hockey League (EHL) and the European Hockey Federation (EHF) are delighted to announce both the draw and the venues for the first Rounds of the 2010-2011 EHL Season. The draw was made jointly by Marijke Fleuren (NED) and Jorge Alcover (ESP), Vice Presidents of the European Hockey Federation.

Round 1.1 will take place in The Netherlands at Eindhoven's HC Oranje Zwart between the 15th and 17th October 2010. The tournament will feature the teams drawn into Pools B, E, F and H, which include European giants such as Rot-Weiss Köln (GER), HGC (NED), Club de Campo (ESP) and reigning EHL Champions UHC Hamburg (GER), as well as the host club who will be participating in their first ever EHL event.

Round 1.2 heads to Spain, with Atlétic Terrassa HC hosting the teams that will compete in Pools A, C, D and G between the 29th and 31st October 2010. As well as the famous team from the host club, other big names include Teun de Nooijer's HC Bloemendaal (NED), 2009-10 EHL Semi Finalists Real Club de Polo de Barcelona (ESP) and Mannheimer HC (GER), the new club of Germany international superstar Matthias Witthaus.
At Eindhoven, German champions Rot-Weiss Köln have been drawn into Pool B where they face a tricky start to their EHL campaign against Madrid's Club de Campo (ESP) – a team featuring former Club Egara stars Edi Tubau and Guillermo Schickendantz – as well as Belgian runners up Racing Club Bruxelles. Pool E sees European Champions UHC Hamburg facing Belgian and Russian opponents in KHC Dragons and Izmaylovo Moscow respectively, while former EHL finalists HGC take on Pembroke Wanderers (IRL) and Olympia Kolos Sekvoia (UKR) in Pool F. Host club Oranje Zwart have been drawn into Pool H, where Russian champions Dinamo Kazan and Polish runners up KS Pomorzanin Torun will provide stiff opposition.

Atlétic Terrassa Hockey Club has the pleasure of welcoming HC Bloemendaal – EHL champions in 2008-09 – who will compete in Pool A against England's Reading HC and SC Stroitel Brest of Belarus. Home favourites Atlétic Terrassa will be vociferously supported by their fans when they face Beeston HC (ENG) and CA Montrouge, the champions of France. Ashley Jackson's East Grinstead (ENG) will do battle with RC de Polo de Barcelona (ESP) and Kelburne (SCO) in Pool D, while WKS Grunwald Poznan (POL), Mannheimer HC (GER) and Glenanne HC (IRL) will fight it out in Pool G.

Over the course of the two tournaments in Eindhoven and Terrassa, 24 teams will be reduced to the 16 participants that will take part in Easter's famous KO16 event.
"The high quality venues at HC Oranje Zwart and Atlétic Terrassa ensure that the Euro Hockey League is continuing to pursue the high standards that we have set over the past three seasons", said Jan Verboom, Operational Manager of the Euro Hockey League. "The EHL and the European Hockey Federation are greatly looking forward to working with both clubs in the organisation of what should be two outstanding first round events."

Full information regarding the draw for the EHL first rounds can be found at A full listing of the match schedule for the tournament will be released next week, with details regarding the sale of tickets being announced in the coming weeks.

Thursday 2 September 2010

KL Tours Pictures online

Official Pictures of RSC tournament of July 2010 are now online :