Saturday 25 September 2010

10 Valiant Beez Lose 2-1

The 10 men of the Beez turned up at Sengkang to find 16 embryos from the Indian Association busy warming up for the match. Sloppy defending let IA in for their first goal but it was practically the only mistake the defence made during the game. Both the Defence and Midfield put 110 percent into the game and nobody can complain about the team's commitment. The Beez forwards had little support but managed to make a few chances for themselves.

The Beez went 2-0 down early in the second half from an excellent reverse stick hit from IA. Despite playing with only 10 players the Beez got back into the game with Agro (Mr Meat Popsicle) netting yet another goal. With the defence soaking up all the IA attacks the Beez even had chances on the break to square the game late on.

A very solid shift from the Beez despite the loss.

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