Thursday, 9 September 2010

New Committee (Provisional)

Dear Tornados,

A new committee structure has been proposed to better cope with a larger, more active club and, of course, the impending departure of Agro, our rudder for so many years.

This is in no way meant to exclude anyone so, if you are keen to get involved, please step up as we always need more help.

The intent is to put this new structure in place in September to see how it goes, make adjustments as necessary and formally ratify it at the AGM in January.

Please feel free to contact anyone below if you have any questions or suggestions.


President - Jerry Singh

Secretary - TJ and
Assistant Secretary - TBC from the men's section
Keep records, liaise with ROS, SHF, new membership enquiries, website, book astro

Treasurer - Richard Ayres
Propose subs, plan budget, handle transactions, liaise with IRAS

Social Secretary - Gareth Fish
To be assisted by a Social Committee, comprising of the captain or nominated representative from each team. Major events shall be:
- Start of Season Party before the Ladies League
- Mid Season Party between the Leagues
- Awards Night at end of Men's League
- Intra-Club State of Origin Mixed Cup

Tour Secretary - Kirsten
Liaise with various tournament organisers and to nominate/assist organisers for individual tours

Quartermaster  - Tony
Ordering kit and equipment

Ladies's Representative - Rotating
The Ladies will have their own sub-committee to reflect the fact that their league is at a different time from the men, and will provide one member for each committee meeting. This committee will also be on hand to assist the Club Committee as necessary.

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