Friday 25 February 2011

THC Lady B's 0 v Vijayanti 8 (I think)

Tornados Ladies B Team played their first ever game yesterday (24th Feb) at Delta Stadium against a very well organised Vijayanti team that had finished in the top 4 in the league last season. A squad of 17 players turned up for the game confirming the commitment that has been shown at training. Unfortunately, the inexperience of the Tornados team showed in the first half as the team conceded a number of goals despite some hard work from Milly and Jildau at the back. Ally in goal put in a brave performance but I'm sure she is now questioning the wiseness of using a rather intimate part of her body to stop a shot in the first half (I bet she will use the provided OBO jewel case ( in her next match). A highlight of the first half had to be the sight of Queenie in full flow off on her usual blistering runs down the wing. I'm sure on one occasion she got to the River Valley Road before she decided it was a lost cause.

After a bit of reorganisation at half-time the team put in a far more organised and solid performance. The improvements made during the course of this game bode well for the season ahead.

Bring on the A-team!!!!

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