Tuesday 15 March 2011

2011 Opening Weekend

Tornados A took on the newly formed Tornados B team at Sengkang on the first Saturday of the 2011 league season.  It was a day full of firsts – first game at the new (highly convenient) venue, first ever match for the Bs and first game for the new look As, who retained just 7 of the players who won the league last year.  The match started and was promptly stopped due to the incorrect positioning of the coach and substitute.  Rather than being allowed to sit in the shade of the stand the match was paused while Rosie and Rich made their way round to the opposite side to join the 3rd umpire in the direct sunlight.  With the match restarted the As camped for most of the game in the Bs half.  35 minutes later and the As had been able to score 7 goals despite some excellent work in goal by Ali.  Meanwhile Charlotte had gamely volunteered to act as goal keeper for the As and spent much of the game watching from the back – that is when she wasn’t distracted by Rich.  The second half continued in much the same way as the first with the As scoring another 6 goals, to see a final score of 13-0, despite the score line the Bs battled hard until the end, ensuring the A's couldn't relax until the final whistle.  The defence of TJ, Cynthia, Jenny B and Abi were rarely troubled and Charlotte never got to touch the ball, while Lou and Meagan controlled the game from the midfield.  The midfield and forwards combined well to see Gemma (7), Koc (1), Kat (2), Meagan (2) and Lou (1) score.   Her dominance in the middle saw Lou walk away with Tara’s tiara.

The second game of the season was played against a young Indian Association team who had 20 players, compared to the 12 players for Tornados As who were facing their second game in just over 24 hours.  While the IA team went through some drills Tornados looked to conserve their energy for the game and after just 45 seconds Chris stepped up and scored her first goal of the season, followed by her second a few minutes later.  Tornados continued to attack the IA goal with Kat and Gemma adding to the score line thanks to some insightful passes into the D from the midfield of Lou, Rosie, Charlotte, Meagan and Cynthia.  Tornados went into the break leading 4-0. The second half saw Tornados continue to attack the IA goal, seeing them score another 3 goals.  Kat scored her first hat trick for Tornados in only her second game, and in the Tornados goal Kirsten touched the ball twice and shadowed it out a couple of times, so had a busy night.  Lou again dominated from the midfield and was awarded Tara’s Tiara for the second time in the weekend. The crowd was jovial thanks to the Red Rock beer and kept the Tornados Chix running till the end of the game.

6 points out of 6 and 20 goals isn’t a bad way to start the season.  Well done all

Gemma (9)
Kat (5)
Chris (2)
Koc (1)
Meagan (2)
Lou (1)

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