Monday 21 March 2011

Ladies Beez in the League

Tornados Ladies B team faced an uphill task in their first ever weekend in the Singapore Hockey League. Tasked with 2 games in 2 days against Tornados A and Theresians (demoted from the Premier League) things were not helped by a shortage of players due to illness, overseas travel and demands of schoolwork.

The Beez put in a brave performance against the A team on the Saturday and showed a lot of improvement in the second half despite playing with only 10 players. Ally in goal was voted player of the match after a fine performance. Considering the opposition 13-0 was not a terrible result.

On the Sunday they again had to make their way out to Sengkang to play a very well drilled Thersians side. Playing with no substitutes available they again improved greatly in the second half ending up losing 16-0. Rox was voted Player of the Match after a brave performance carrying on playing after a hard hit to her shin.

Despite 2 heavy defeats the ladies enjoyed their hockey and look forward to big improvements during the season.

Next up Hollandse Club on 3rd April.

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