Wednesday 4 June 2014

THC - Committee vacancy

Dear Tornado


I am very sorry to advise that TJ has decided to step down from her role as membership secretary for the club. TJ has worked tirelessly for Tornados for many years and we will miss her massive and valuable contribution.  Thankfully TJ will continue to play for the ladies first team.     


We know we have a massive gap to fill and also know it is unrealistic for anyone to do as much as TJ did. As a result we are looking to reorganize and share out some of the responsibilities amongst committee members and are looking to recruit a couple of people to the committee, we'd love to hear from you if you're interested in getting involved.


As a Tornado committee member, in addition to your specific role responsibilities you will have a say on all matters regarding the clubs operation. So, if you are interested please contact me as soon as possible. No previous experience required!   


In the meantime if you have any queries you would have addressed to TJ please contact myself or any other member of the committee with that query.



Best regards


Jacqueline Shorrocks





Jacqueline Shorrocks


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