Friday, 28 November 2014

THC - Reminder: AGM Tonight, 7.30pm @ Boomerang Boat Quay

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Tornados Hockey Club

Dear Tornados,

Do come along to the AGM, tonight! 

Alright alright alright, yes, I hear you: an AGM is not the most exciting activity on a Friday night.

BUT! The more, the merrier!! By the way, it's Paddy's last night with us. This is the perfect occasion to bid him farewell and to drink a couple of pints in his honor. 

It will also be an opportunity for all of you to celebrate and remember this year's performances and have an input into the club's organisation.

You'll find, below, the details of the people willing to stand and the nominations received to date.

If you are unable to attend the meeting and would like to vote for these nominations &/OR If you want to nominate someone or be nominated, please contact me:


Current Holder

Willing to stand



Jacqueline Shorrocks




Vice President

Patrick Gibson


Dane Giddey


Director of Hockey 

Kris Emerton


Alpesh Puna



Jonathon Stokes




General Secretary

Claude Vuille- Lessard




Membership Secretary 

Jennifer McGavin




Social Director

Lucy Penney




Marketing Director

Kristiina Baker









New/ Non- Committee positions





Ladies  Club Captain



Meagan Reus


Men's Club Captain



Mark Berridge


Communications Manager 



Need Nominations


Merchandising Manager



Maxine Chia


See you all tonight!

Claude Vuille-Lessard
Tornados - General Secretary


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Thursday, 27 November 2014

THC - AGM Friday 28th November 2014 : Boomerang Boat Quay 7.30pm

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Tornados Hockey Club

Dear Tornados 

A little reminder about the AGM tomorrow and details of the people  willing to stand and the nominations received to date. 

If you are unable to attend the meeting and would like to vote for these nominations please contact Claude

If you want to nominate someone or be nominated, please can you let Claude know 



Current Holder

Willing to stand



Jacqueline Shorrocks




Vice President

Patrick Gibson


Dane Giddey


Director of Hockey 

Kris Emerton


Alpesh Puna



Jonathon Stokes




General Secretary

Claude Vuille- Lessard




Membership Secretary 

Jennifer McGavin




Social Director

Lucy Penney




Marketing Director

Kristiina Baker









New/ Non- Committee positions





Ladies  Club Captain



Meagan Reus


Men's Club Captain



Need Nominations


Communications Manager 



Need Nominations


Merchandising Manager



Maxine Chia


Please come along to the AGM to hear how we have perforrmed this year, have an input into the club's organisation, and say a fond farewell to Paddy

Jacqueline Shorrocks

Tornados President  


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THC - Weekly Update - 26th November 2014

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Tornados Hockey Club

This e-mail has attached files - see below


Important Dates to note

AGM: THIS Friday 28th November 7:30-10pm @ Boomerang Boat Quay

All positions are available, but these are now vacant:

Committee positions:

·         Vice-president

New/ Non- Committee positions:

·         Men's Club Captain 

·         Communications Manager

·         Merchandising Manager


**Come in great numbers! 
& Bring as many of your teamates with you as you can!**

Hear what has been going on across the club this season ! 

Discuss and contribute for next season's planning !

Vote for your committee office bearers & captains !

Any questions? ask your committees members! (respond to this email and I'll be happy to forward them)



Ladies' Liga - 

Boomers vs AJC: won 15-0

 -- Tornados teams finished the season: Blondes 6th, Boomers 7th & Beauties 8th. Please find attached: 2014 global ranking.

Men's C vs Ora B: Called off due to lightning warning


  Please visit our facebook page !

 ​ROGER RHINO, NOW ON TWITTER! Follow @RogerRhino1 for all the latest updates on Tornados Hockey!


Ladies' Liga – PLAYOFFS

Boomers vs AJCsSaturday 29th November,3pm @Delta

             vs SCC: Sunday 30th November,4pm @Delta

Beauties vs RP: Saturday 29th November, 4pm @Delta

             vs Hollandse: Sunday 30th November, 5pm @Delta

Blondes vs Crescent: Sunday 30th November, 3pm @Delta

**Please note that during the second round Knock-out Stage, if the game ends with a draw, the Higher ranked team during the first round wins.**

Men's C vs Totally Mind: Sunday 29th November, 3pm @Sengkang 2  

All welcome!: Wednesday 3rd December, 8pm.

FITNESS - All welcome!: Mondays, 8-9pm, CCAB (meet by the grandstand at 7.55pm).

(**In case of high PSI levels (unhealthy range, +120) or bad weather, please consult our facebook page to see if the training has been cancelled or, alternatively, you can text Dave at +6596751721***).

*** Thank you & Have a wonderful week! ***


The following files are attached to this e-mail:

Knock-out Round.jpg
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172.28Kb   View   Download

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Monday, 17 November 2014

THC - FW: Tornados KIT-Playing Kit and Social kit

Hi Tornados.


We plan to order more playing kit and social shirts and visors

We can only place an order when we have received 10 orders per style and we will advise all those that have ordered when we are able to place that order.


We plan to place the order by the 5th December to ensure we get the delivery by February, so please be quick and order. 


All members planning to play hockey games League or Liga must have the new playing kit, so please order now.


If you have ordered and paid for kit and still not received it please contact Jen directly     


See attached pdf showing the shirts and visors


Please email Jen McGavin with your order details: name and sizes required for each item


Jen will add you to the order once payment is made on the links below: ockeyClub/public/pay/bill/10794/ 2014-tornado-s-visor-payment./ ockeyClub/public/pay/bill/10796/ 2014-tornado-s-social-shirt/


Use this link to decide on your size:  


Sizes are at


 (For ladies, the skorts come up small so I suggest you go a size higher than your normal size)



Jacqueline Shorrocks


THC - Weekly Update - 17th November 2014

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Tornados Hockey Club


Important Dates to note

AGM: Friday 28th November 7:30-10pm @ Boomerang Boat Quay

As of today we haven't received any nomination. All positions are available, but these are now vacant:

Committee positions:

·         Vice-president

·         Director of Hockey

New/ Non- Committee positions:

·         Ladies' Club Captain 

·         Men's Club Captain 

·         Communications Manager

·         Merchandising Manager



**Come in great numbers! 
& Bring as many of your teamates with you as you can!**

Hear what has been going on across the club this season ! 

Discuss and contribute for next season's planning !

Vote for your committee office bearers & captains !

Any questions? ask your committees members! (respond to this email and I'll be happy to forward them)



Ladies' Liga - 

Blondes vs Tannibellies: lost 1-0.

Beauties vs SCC: forfeited due to lack of players.

Men's C vs JFA: postponed due to lightning.


  Please visit our facebook page !

 ​ROGER RHINO, NOW ON TWITTER! Follow @RogerRhino1 for all the latest updates on Tornados Hockey!


Ladies' Liga - Boomers vs AJCsSaturday 22th November, 5pm @Delta

Men's C 
vs Ora B: Sunday 23th November, 4:30pm @Sengkang 2 

All welcome!: Wednesday 19th November, 8:30pm: fitness, followed by training at 9pm 

FITNESS - All welcome!: Mondays, 8-9pm, CCAB (meet by the grandstand at 7.55pm).

(**In case of high PSI levels (unhealthy range, +120) or bad weather, please consult our facebook page to see if the training has been cancelled or, alternatively, you can text Dave at +6596751721***).

*** Thank you & Have a wonderful week! ***

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THC - Drinks orders from 6DM

Hi Claude can you send this out


As you may know a firm called 6DM (six drunk men) sponsor us specifically through the brand Pure Blonde


As part of our sponsorship with them they give us discount on purchases we make from them and we can purchase a fairly wide range of booze at discounted prices.

1)      Pure Blonde 24 x 330ml Bottles: $75 (nett)

2)      All Magners & Gaymers Products: 20% off

3)      All other products: 10% off


Attached is a price list and instructions for ordering from them if you order more than $300 worth they will deliver foc



For those not wanting to order $300 worth and want to avoid the delivery charge Jono Stokes has offered to add your order to his monthly order. Anyone wanting any drink from 6 DM let Jono know by the 3rd December   email  




Jacqueline Shorrocks