Wednesday 5 November 2014

THC - Weekly Update 5 november

Note: Happy Halloween, dear Tornados! we're experiencing some technical difficulties with the Groupspaces hosting platform, since the beginning of the week. Since the problem is not resolved yet, I am writing you all directly from my personal email account. Without further ado...


RESULTS: special social & news! (no games, last week)

Last Saturday, Roger Rhino was finally found!! A big thank you to all of you who showed up and made this event a success. & special thanks to Lucy for organizing & hosting the festivities! 

  Please visit our facebook page for pictures from this glorious night. 

 ​ROGER RHINO, NOW ON TWITTER! Follow @RogerRhino1 for all the latest updates on Tornados Hockey!

Congratsto Helen Galloway (aka Nel) who was voted onto the Singapore Hockey Federation (SHF). Our club's interests were represented at the SHF's AGM, last Friday Oct. 31st, by our very own president: Thanks Jacquie! 


Men's C: 
game was postponed

Ladies' Liga - Boomers vs Blondes: Wednesday 5th November, 8pm @Delta

Vietnam Tour: good luck to all participants!

Men's Cs & Women's: Wednesday 5th November, 8:30pm: fitness, followed by training at 9pm (after the ladies' game)

FITNESS - All welcome!: Mondays, 8-9pm, CCAB (meet by the grandstand at 7.55pm).

(**In case of high PSI levels (unhealthy range, +120), please consult our facebook page to see if the training has been cancelled or, alternatively, you can text Dave at +6596751721***).

Important Dates to note

Kits' collection: Thursday 6th November, from 6:30pm @ Boomerang Boat Quay

Please come pick up your new Vietnam tour kits, visor and shirts (as well as the new club kits if you haven't done it already).

Vietnam Tour:
8-9th November

Friday 28th November 7-10pm @ Boomerang Boat Quay
Details to follow shortly - keep date free.

Special announcement

As part of our sponsorship with 6 Drunk Men and Pure Blonde, we have a number of beer cases that we wish to offer to club members for a small donation of $50/case.

If you are interested in a case or two please email Jacquie at or contact her on 84998270 to arrange collection.


*** Thank you & Have a wonderful week! ***


Claude Vuille-Lessard

 General Secretary for the Tornados Hockey Club​

Mobile: +65.90022381 | 118D Jalan Membina #28-109, Singapore (S)164118

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