Thursday 27 November 2014

THC - Weekly Update - 26th November 2014

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Tornados Hockey Club

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Important Dates to note

AGM: THIS Friday 28th November 7:30-10pm @ Boomerang Boat Quay

All positions are available, but these are now vacant:

Committee positions:

·         Vice-president

New/ Non- Committee positions:

·         Men's Club Captain 

·         Communications Manager

·         Merchandising Manager


**Come in great numbers! 
& Bring as many of your teamates with you as you can!**

Hear what has been going on across the club this season ! 

Discuss and contribute for next season's planning !

Vote for your committee office bearers & captains !

Any questions? ask your committees members! (respond to this email and I'll be happy to forward them)



Ladies' Liga - 

Boomers vs AJC: won 15-0

 -- Tornados teams finished the season: Blondes 6th, Boomers 7th & Beauties 8th. Please find attached: 2014 global ranking.

Men's C vs Ora B: Called off due to lightning warning


  Please visit our facebook page !

 ​ROGER RHINO, NOW ON TWITTER! Follow @RogerRhino1 for all the latest updates on Tornados Hockey!


Ladies' Liga – PLAYOFFS

Boomers vs AJCsSaturday 29th November,3pm @Delta

             vs SCC: Sunday 30th November,4pm @Delta

Beauties vs RP: Saturday 29th November, 4pm @Delta

             vs Hollandse: Sunday 30th November, 5pm @Delta

Blondes vs Crescent: Sunday 30th November, 3pm @Delta

**Please note that during the second round Knock-out Stage, if the game ends with a draw, the Higher ranked team during the first round wins.**

Men's C vs Totally Mind: Sunday 29th November, 3pm @Sengkang 2  

All welcome!: Wednesday 3rd December, 8pm.

FITNESS - All welcome!: Mondays, 8-9pm, CCAB (meet by the grandstand at 7.55pm).

(**In case of high PSI levels (unhealthy range, +120) or bad weather, please consult our facebook page to see if the training has been cancelled or, alternatively, you can text Dave at +6596751721***).

*** Thank you & Have a wonderful week! ***


The following files are attached to this e-mail:

Knock-out Round.jpg
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