Monday 26 October 2015

THC - Roger's Update -26th October

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Tornados Hockey Club

Good Morning Tornados.

No outdoor hockey matches last weekend but the ladies entered the indoor tournament and played against Indonesian and Singaporean teams, including the Singapore national team. The ladies played brilliantly with most never having had played indoor before. Our ladies soon picked up the skills and were impressive finishing 3rd. We had no official Goal Keeper but you would not have guessed if you saw Kirsten Fish, Caroline Wheen and Annie Chan in action, they all took turns in goal and were fantastic!     

Congratulations to Alex and Jago who had a baby daughter on Saturday morning called Martha Alice

This week  

Monday Night Fitness
  Evans road- All welcome  meet at the grandstand BUT very unlikely to happen based on the view outside my window now  

Tuesday  Club Training 8-10 pm EVANS ROAD  

Wednesday Mens and Ladies 1st XI  Training 8-10pm EVANS ROAD 


Friday 30th October
Mens 1st XI vs Hollandse 8pm Sengkang  

Saturday 31st October
Ladies 1st XI vs Crescent 3pm Sengkang
Mens 3rd XI vs SRC 6pm Sengkang

Sunday 1st November 
Ladies 1st XI vs Jensenites 4.30pm at Sengkang
Mens 3rd XI final placing game time tbc from 4.30pm  


AGRO Cup 21st November  Boon Lay Hockey Village  

Christmas Frolics  12th December  watch this space 

Annual General meeting Friday 27th November. Boomerang 8pm 

Reserve the date to hear how your club has performed this year and contribute to the plans for next year.  
Several of the current committee are willing to stay on for next year and some are leaving. If you are interested in helping to run the club please feel free to stand for ANY role. If you want to learn more about what the roles include ask any of the committee members or respond to this email.               
Full details of positions and responsibilities will be sent out next week along with details of how to nominate candidates.  

HAZE Protocol 

We have decided that training will be called off if haze levels are at 150+ based on the local to Delta/ Evand road PSI 1 hr reading. We will send a message via facebook an hour before the start to confirm cancelation.  
If any suffer from respiratory problems then you are advised not to train when levels are 100.
Matches are called off by the SHF and usually they make the decision by 12 noon on the day of the matches. Captains will be advised of the cancellation by text.      

Have a good week!

Love Roger

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