Monday 5 October 2015

THC - Roger's Update -5th October

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Tornados Hockey Club

Morning Tornados 

A haze affected week as far as playing hockey goes this week, luckily the social side was still going strong 

All games were cancelled on Saturday- look out for re-arranagement notices in the next day or so.

The ladies 1st XI game went ahead on Sunday vs NYP losing 2-1. Our ladies played brilliantly! They really should have won as they had many chances, they dominated the game and played some beautiful hockey. Due to last minute pull outs, the team played with only 11 players vs the opposition's 17. Welcome back from injury Aoiffe, Caroline and Sarah Croz.     
This week  

Monday Night Fitness
  Evans road- All welcome  meet at the grandstand 

Tuesday  Mens 2s, 3s and 4s friendly match vs SCC  8-10 pm DELTA 

             Ladies 2's Friendly match vs SCC 8-10pm Evans road 

Wednesday Mens 1stXI vs SCC rearranged league match 8.30 start SENGKANG

                Ladies 1st XI vs Hollandse Friendly match 8-10 pm EVANS road 


Sunday 11th October 

Mens 1st XI vs SRC reds 4.30pm  
Mens 3rdXI vs Tannebilles 6pm 
Ladies 1st XI vs SCC 6pm

Social- Advance warning  AGRO Cup 21st November  

Reserve the date for this important Annual event- A club tournament where we remember our national roots and play hockey for our country's honour. Rumour is that the Springboks will be entering a team this year.           

HAZE protocol 
We have decided that training will be called off if haze levels are at 150+ based on the local to Delta PSI 1 hr reading. We will send a message via facebook an hour before the start to confirm cancelation.  
If any suffer from respiratory problems then you are advised not to train when levels are 100.     

Have a good week 

Love Roger 


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