Tuesday 6 December 2011

AGM this Saturday

We will be holding our AGM this Saturday, the 10th of December at Molly Malone's Pub on Circular Road, starting at 6pm sharp.

The proposed agenda for the night, is as follows:

1. Opening
2. Apologies for Absence and Proxy Voting Authority
3. President's Report
4. Financial Report
5. Motion to Change the Constitution
6. Motion to open a banking account with Standard Chartered
7. Motion to adopt a charity
8. Election of Office Bearers
9. Any Other Business
10. Close

One of the key actions for the night is to elect the THC Committee for the 2012 season, comprising of:

A President
A Vice President
A Secretary
An Assistant Secretary
A Treasurer
A Social Secretary
A Director of Hockey

Please consider putting your name forward or nominate a fellow member for one of these positions, as without the effort of the committee each year the club would not function. Please send all nominations to secretary@tornadoshockey.org.sg

See you all on Saturday!

Dave Ahier
Secretary, THC

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Men's Indoor Championship

Tornados HC lost 4-3 to SRC in the final of the 2011 Singapore Indoor Hockey Championship.
After comfortably beating the other teams, including SRC, in the group stages Tornados raced to a quick 3-0 lead in the final. However, the better fitness levels of the SRC team, comprised mainly of National team players, shone through at the end of a long day of hockey.

A disappointing end to the day but some great hockey played.

Monday 8 August 2011

Disappointing Loss for the Beez

In their second game of the weekend the Beez were always going to struggle due to a lack of available players. 2 men on the bench compared to 9 on the SCC bench.
The Beez put in a lack lustre performance in the first half with little movement in the midfield and confusion at the back. SCC headed into the half-time break with a well deserved 3-0 lead.

In the second half the Beez turned their game around completely and really competed. Sweeney was a constant source of trouble for SCC but again Tornados lacked the quality of finishing to get themselves back into the game. At the back Garf was kept busy but managed to keep a second half clean sheet. Tornados did manage to get one back through a Penalty Corner rebound from Simmo.

Man of the Match : Sweeney

Beez bag their first Win of the Season

Finally being able to get a decent sized squad to a game the Beez put those numbers to use winning 5-3 over Aetos. Sweeney in his debut game for the club scored an excellent solo goal and that was shortly followed by a big penalty corner hit from Mitch which doubled the score. Despite Tornados dominating the game Aetos managed to pull one back after Deon forgot that he wasn't playing in yellow and set up the opposition for their first goal.
The Beez then dominated early possession in the second half and rushed to a 5-1 lead. Ben scoring with a perfect drag flick into the top left corner and a Penalty stroke after Sweeney had been felled on a mazey run into the Aetos D. Kris completed the scoring with a cheeky touch through his legs.
However, the Beez never do things easily and for the last 15 minutes of the game they gave away possession too easily and allowed Aetos to get back into the game with two late goals.

Man of the Match was Nazza for his strong performance at the back.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Beez falter again

Tornados B team lost their second game of the Division 2 campaign 3-0 to a young C&C side. Tornados can have little complaint about the score from this game, having been outplayed for most of the game.

The Beez now face a weekend double-header against Aetos and SCC that could effectively put an early end to any chance of reaching the playoffs.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Veterans League

The Tornados Men's Veterans (over 30's) team made a good start in the 9-aside Veterans League last night with a 2-1 win over a SVHA Temasek team containing a few Tornados players and a 2-0 win over SVHA Merlions.

Good results but Tornados will have to up their game in their next Vets League outings on 15th August against the Hollandse Club and CSC (a guest team of under 30's)

Monday 25 July 2011

Beez lose their opening encounter

The Tornados B team lost their first league match 3-0 to a well organised and young NYP team.

The Beez started the game with 12 players at the pitch against a full 20 man squad from NYP. NYP dominated the first ten minutes and were awarded an early penalty corner after Garf decided to try to hatch the ball after making an early save. NYP had clearly been practising their PC's as a low drag flick saw them go 1-0 up.

The arrival of Anton (MVP) and Ben after 10 minutes instantly saw a vast improvement in the Beez play and they dominated the rest of the second half. The Beez spurned numerous chances to get level most notably Rego managing to sky one over the bar from 1m out in front of an open goal (deservedly winning him the Dick of the Day award).

In the second half the Beez chased after the game but the better fitness of the NYP youngsters let them take a grip of the game. Garf was called on to make numerous saves but couldn't do anything about NYP's second which came from a very well worked deflection from a PC. Late in the game NYP made it 3 - 0 with open play goal which came after a clear foot in the D which the Umpire somehow missed.

Many positives from the game but it clearly showed that if the Beez want to compete for a playoff place they need to train harder!

Next match Saturday 30th July 3pm vs. C&C

Thursday 7 July 2011

Start of season/End of season Social!

Start of Season/End of Season Drinks.......

Don't forget we have our start of season/end of season drinks this Saturday 9th July, 2011 at the Bull & Bear pub, Far East Square! Bring yourself, friends and family along to meet old and new members of Singapore's largest and friendliest field hockey club!

Where: Bull & Bear, China Street/Peking Street
Time: 5.30pm til late
What's happening?! Beers, friendly faces, Super XV Final, sausage sizzle! What do I need to do? Just turn up! (Wearing your club jersey of course! )

What more could you ask for?! Members of all SIX THC teams will be at the Bull & Bear pub drinking discounted Red Rock beers whilst getting to know fellow club members, eating sausages, having fun and watching the Super XV Rugby Grand Final! Cooper versus Carter? Who will win?!?

The big match is being shown at 5.40pm! Bring your friends and let's have some fun!

See you there!

Tornados HC Social Chairman

Saturday 4 June 2011

Men 1s 2 - 1 ORA

The Men's 1st XI must have been inspired by the Ladies A team, as they also booked themselves into the post-season with a goal in the dying minutes of their last league game.

Starting the game with just 10 men, the team started aggressively and took the lead in the first half from a superb drag flick by Gary.

The second half saw THC take the game to ORA in search of a second goal, but some controversial umpiring gifted ORA a short corner from which they levelled the score.

With no subs, THC had to dig deep but were rewarded for their determination in the dying minutes with a second goal and, with it, a place in the post-season.

Ladies As 1 - 0 SCC

The Ladies A team left it until the last match of the regular season to qualify for the post-season but they did so in one of the most exciting games of their campaign.

A highly motivated SCC employed a determined long-ball game with 2 high forwards, but they were efficiently neutralised by some solid defending and excellent communication in the back line.

An end-to-end game kept the crowd at the edge of their seats in a match that saw SCC hit the post and THC have a flick saved.

It was left for Kok to finally get on the score sheet with just 4 minutes left on the clock and secure all 3 points and, with them, cement 4th place in the league.

THC can feel proud of their season so far and go into the play-offs with an air of confidence in their stride.

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Training in June

Dear All,

We will be training at the following places and times in June:

Wednesday 1st June 8pm - 10pm, Delta
Monday 6th June 8pm - 10pm, CCAB
Monday 13th June 8pm - 10pm, CCAB
Monday 20th June 8pm - 10pm, CCAB

We will also have Hockey Village on Wednesdays 7:30pm - 9pm for pick-up games and optional bbq afterwards.


Monday 23 May 2011

Ladies A 1 - 1 NYP

The mark of a championship-winning team is the ability to come away with a point, even when the Hockey Gods are against you. The Tornados Ladies demonstrated these credentials admirably last night against an aggressive NYP, who were bouyed by inconsistent umpiring that favoured the less skillful team.

THC were sluggish at the start, with some perhaps still suffering from the previous night's excesses of Lou's leaving party. However, attempts to switch up a gear were thwarted by the umpires, whose decisions bemused and frustrated even the normally most placid of THC's players.

The first half ended goalless, despite some great play by the front line to put NYP under pressure. NYP then managed to go a goal up in the second half, following a rash of free hits against THC for tackles that seemed perfectly legal to everyone but the umpire.

As the rain came down, Tornados, captained by Lou in her last game for the club, dug in and camped inside the NYP 25-yard line. Their determination and spirit was eventually rewarded when Chris received a short corner, switched to Rosie who neatly flicked the ball into the top left.

An embarrassing spectacle then ensued. NYP complained about the goal and surrounded the umpire. This went on for a full 5 minutes, as NYP continued to harangue the umpire who allowed to situation to degenerate and failed to reprimand even a single player.

Once the game finally restarted, Tornados dominated throughout, with Farah leading the front line with an exemplary performance as centre forward, linking seemlessly with Kok, Rosie and Chris in attack. However, despite their best efforts, the game finished up 1-1 and THC can be glad of salvaging a point under very trying circumstances.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Ladies A 8 - 0 Crescent

Another terrific team performance saw more triangles than an episode of Sesame Street and a hatful of goals from 6 different players.

Gemma kept up her 100% record and joining her on the score sheet were Chris, Rosie, Meagan, Leah and Farah.

Neither Sharifa nor Zira so much as touched the ball in a game which allowed THC to experiment with a new formation.

As ever, with a squad that has found its rhythm, the game also saw several personal-best performances of the season, including Abi, Virginia, Leah and Sam. All the more impressive considering the team was adjusting to a new structure.

Kok was unrelentless in front of the posts but the goal somehow eluded her. However, she can still claim several assists thanks to her dedicated support play and the aggression of a front line determined to clean up on the many rebounds.

The Tornados are moving in the right direction for the post-season, and may be peaking at the right time, but they know all too well that they cannot afford to let up now.

Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Tour to RSC 9s in KL on 16,17 July 2011

Pack up your stick bags and leave your dignity at home - it's time for the first overseas tour of the season!

For details, or to sign up, click here.

Monday 16 May 2011

Watch Videos of THC Games

Did you know that we record videos of most THC games? Matches are available to download for a couple of weeks after each game (and then stored off-line thereafter).

You can get them in 2 ways:

1) Install DropBox and email me for access to the folder.


2) Go to http://db.tt/1K6xaNr and download online.

Please note that this is a shared folder - if you delete a file it will be deleted for everyone, so don't delete files. If you do not want to have the files automatically downloaded to your hard disk, go for option (2).

Sunday 15 May 2011

Ladies A 2 - 0 Vijayanti

The warriors of the Ladies A team found their rhythm on a relatively cool afternoon at Seng Kang.

Not only were there some outstanding individual performances but also, more importantly, impressive team play and an air of confidence that will make the rest of the league sit up and pay attention.

Gemma opened the scoring in the first half after picking up the ball in midfield and beating 3 players in a trademark run into the circle.

From then on it was one-way traffic, with Rosie, Chris and Kirsten all coming close. The short-corners looked sharper than in previous games and the attacking play up the right wing was fluid and threatening.

The second goal came with 15 minutes of the game remaining and involved some slick passing play between Leah, Gemma, Kok and Jen, with Rosie getting the final touch.

The midfield were able to dominate most of the play, with first Lou and then Meagan holding the back of the diamond firm, ably assisted by Farah, Jen and Kirsten. Sharifa was called into action rarely, but kept the ball clear when needed.

Vijayanti were not about to give up their league position easily and came back fiercely. Zira was forced to make several saves in the latter part of the game while Cynthia, Abi and Charlotte were fortunate to keep their sticks intact. Not so for TJ, who limped off with 8 minutes remaining, finally the victim of one of the many ill-timed swings from the Vijayanti attack.

Tornados can now go into the second half of the season with renewed optimism and a strong claim on a place in the playoffs.
Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

Saturday 14 May 2011

Ladies B 0 - SCC 4

The Ladies B team continued their rapid improvement in a hard fought game against SCC. Unfortunately a flu virus had devastated the squad leaving them with only one substitute, which is never good in the Singapore climate. Ally again put in an MVP performance but she was ably assisted by her trio of defenders (Milly, Afifqah and Jane).

Other notable performances came from Marianne and Sharm, both of whom really stepped up their game for this match.

In the midfield Atiqah, Queenie and Charisse never stopped running. Sara up front showed some newly acquired skills and Rashiqah once again caused the opposition a lot of trouble on the break.

There were only positives from this game and surely a win will come before the end of the season!

Monday 9 May 2011

Tour Calendar 2011

Now that the Ladies and Men's 1s season is in full swing, and the trials for the 2s and 3s are out of the way, we can focus on the serious business of hockey tours!

Tornados are intending to send teams to the tours listed below in 2011. However, we need volunteers to help organise so, if any of these tours interest you, please consider giving something back to the club and volunteer to get involved.

Also, if there is a tour you particularly want to attend but it's not on the list, feel free to recommend it (provided that you are also willing to help organise it!)

Keep an eye on your email, the blog and our facebook page for more details in due course.

July 16-17
RSC Hockey 9s, KL, Malaysia

The Royal Selangor Club's 2-day tournament is known for the good standard of hockey and even more so for the Saturday night party.
Men's and Ladies'

The Agro Cup, Singapore

Our own state-of-origin competition, played out for the Agro Cup, in honour of stalwart and former club secretary Stephen "Agro" Whitton. The format is a half-day, mixed 5-a-side event at Hockey Village, with sausage sizzle and party to follow. Last year the Kiwis beat England in an exciting final. Expect this year's competition to even more keenly contested!

Magical Mystery Tour, TBA

Sure to be a highlight of the year, make sure your passport is up to date and let us know if you are banned from any countries. The Tour Committee are currently putting together a tour to remember (or at least try to remember) that will take in some of the wonders that Asia has to offer.
Men's, Ladies' and Mixed

Wooden Shoe, Singapore

The Dutch always put on a good show at this 1-day 7-a-side tournament at Seng Kang. With cheap beer on tap throughout the day, it is best not to make any evening plans.
Men's and Ladies'

November 12-13
Vietnam Hockey Festival, HCM

The Vietnam Tornados will be hosting the 4th installation of their popular 6-a-side competition in November. Always a favourite event, we usually send several teams.
Men's and Ladies'

December 3-4
Kings Cup, Bangkok, Thailand

(Subject to confirmation)
A hugely popular way to end the year. Cool off in the pool between games and, when the hockey is done, Bangkok has something for everyone...
Men's and Ladies'

Sunday 8 May 2011

Ladies A 1 - 2 Dutch

The Ladies As emphatically demonstrated that they are still the best team in the league, despite losing 2-1 to the Dutch. MVP went to Helen for a sterling performance in midfield that galvanized the team around her to show, at last, what they are truly capable of. Meanwhile Gemma maintained her record of scoring in every game she has played in.

The umpiring decisions allowed the Dutch to play their destructive game as a continuous onslaught of stick tackles, dropped shoulders and cynical back-sticks went unpunished. The Dutch were fortunate to see out the entire game with 11 players, let alone a win and 3 points. Tornados, however, will be ruing their failure to convert any one of 7 short corners into a goal.

Tornados must now refocus on a top 4 finish and hope to meet the Dutch in the semi-finals to wreak their deserved revenge.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Tornados B vs. Vijayanti

Tornados Ladies B's suffered a heavy 11-0 defeat at the hands of a very young and well drilled Vijayanti team which moved up to 4th place in the league after this result. The score however, does not reflect how well the B's competed in this game. Every week the team is improving both in individual skills and teamwork.

Ally again put in a strong performance in goal to win MVP.

The B's can now look forward to a coupe of games against more modest opponents.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Ladies As 1 - 3 Theresians

Ladies As narrowly lost to Theresians, who last season were relegated from the Premier League.

The scoreline flattered the Theresians, though Tornados will rue their failure to continue with their early good form and right-side attack.

The Tornados goal came from Kirsten who, seconds into the second half, drove the ball into the circle from the right and executed a perfect short handle hit to clip the ball past the keeper to level the scoreline.

MVP went to Sharifa for some outstanding saves in the second half, though there were many great individual performances. With some tough games out of the way, the remainder of the season looks promising for a top-4 finish and even the league title is still in sight.
Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Tornados Mens 2's trials

Trials for the Men's 2nd XI team will be held on Sunday 8th May 10am -12pm  @ CCAB.
Trials are open to all (except players who have played for the 1's in the current season)
Please fill in your availability on the google spreadsheet 
if you cannot access the spreadsheet or wish to be considered for the 2's but cannot make it to the trials please contact Izz Izzi.Woodrow@sc.com



Monday 11 April 2011

Queen Beez win their first point!

On a wet and cool evening at Sengkang the Tornados Ladies B team, having the honour of being the first team to play in the club's new kit, secured their first point in a thrilling end-t0-end game against Indian Association. Fielding a squad of 16 players, including the 3 new local schoolgirls, the B's played some much improved hockey and had a number of chances in the first half including a fine shot from Serena. Ally assisted by Afiqah kept things tight at the back including saving a first half Penalty Stroke.

Rashiqah, the Queen Bee of the Game, playing in her first match for the club scored the opening goal but with 10 minutes to play they found themselves 2-1 down. A late penalty corner saw a wide shot from Rashiqah fall to Sara who placed the ball past the keeper. It took her a couple of seconds to realise the ball had gone in before the celebrations started.

In the last 10 minutes some resolute defending from a series a Penalty Corners kept the score level and the B's were able to celebrate their 2-2 draw. Fantastic performance from the entire team.

Big thanks to supporters who had stayed around after the Ladies A and Men's A team games had been cancelled due to the weather. Also thanks to Sam and TJ for the efficient job they did in getting the new players registered in time for the game.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Tornados A v SRC Ladies Match

After a great start to the season with two convincing wins, the Tornadoes Ladies First Team faced their toughest match yet against a young development squad from SRC. The match took place on Saturday at 7.30pm – not a great time, but with the advantage that it was cooler than previous games. The Tornadoes were missing some key players in the team; in particular most of their forwards.


SRC took the lead early in the first half, which they maintained throughout, with a goal taken from a short corner. Despite some valiant attacks, and a much improved second half, the Tornadoes did not manage to break though the SRC defense to score and the final result was a disappointing 7-0 to SRC. There were some great individual performances, most notably from Rosie who went home wearing the lady of the match crown. 


Thanks to everyone who turned out to support the team and hopefully we will see them back on form in their next game against Crescent on Sunday, 10th April at 4:30pm. Please do come along.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Much Improvement from the Queen Beez

The Queen Beez faced their 3rd tough fixture in a row against last season's defeated finalists, losing 12-0 to the Hollandse Club. The Beez really competed and played together as a team. The score doesn't reflect the massive strides made by this new team. Queenie filling in for Ally between the sticks put in a fine performance and there were also notable strong performances from Jildau, Abi and Serena. Everybody put in 100pct. Nobody can accuse this team of a lack of commitment.
One downside today was a head injury to Lesley in her first game for Tornados. A clash of heads led to her being taking to hospital but nothing serious was reported. Complaints will be made to the SHF regarding the negligence of their match officials in handling this situation.

Things are really looking up for this team and with reinforcements coming in to the team in the next couple of weeks the team will be looking for their first victory now that they have got some of their toughest games out of the way.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Kit Launch & Family Fun Day!!!!!!

Tornados, please be reminded that we will
be holding our kit launch and family fun day very
soon! It is crucial that we show our new sponsors
how we love a good social and more importantly
how appreciative we are for their financial support
at the start of this season. With this in mind I want
you ALL to try your hardest to be there with family,
friends and work colleagues!


On Saturday 9th April from 2.30pm onwards THC
Social Committee would like to invite you, your family
and friends to The Bull & Bear pub for the official launch
of our newly sponsored, brand spanking new kit!
Watch our very own players model Tornados kit from
throughout the years in our very own fashion show!

Bring along your family, friends and kids to enjoy
balloon benders, face-painting and family fun! Meet
Tornados players from all of our five teams as well as
sharing a beer with our new sponsors from 6 Drunk
Men and The Bull & Bear pub! There will also be a
BBQ and Bouncy Castle!

I look forward to seeing ALL of you on the 9th April to
thank our new sponsors and more importantly have
great fun with your friends and family alongside your
teammates at Tornados Hockey Club!

No excuses....JUST BE THERE! 2.30PM SHARP!

Fishy & The Social Committee

Check out our blog for news and match reports http://tornadoshc.blogspot.com/

Any questions? Email enquiries@tornadoshockey.org,sg.

Monday 21 March 2011

Ladies Beez in the League

Tornados Ladies B team faced an uphill task in their first ever weekend in the Singapore Hockey League. Tasked with 2 games in 2 days against Tornados A and Theresians (demoted from the Premier League) things were not helped by a shortage of players due to illness, overseas travel and demands of schoolwork.

The Beez put in a brave performance against the A team on the Saturday and showed a lot of improvement in the second half despite playing with only 10 players. Ally in goal was voted player of the match after a fine performance. Considering the opposition 13-0 was not a terrible result.

On the Sunday they again had to make their way out to Sengkang to play a very well drilled Thersians side. Playing with no substitutes available they again improved greatly in the second half ending up losing 16-0. Rox was voted Player of the Match after a brave performance carrying on playing after a hard hit to her shin.

Despite 2 heavy defeats the ladies enjoyed their hockey and look forward to big improvements during the season.

Next up Hollandse Club on 3rd April.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

2011 Opening Weekend

Tornados A took on the newly formed Tornados B team at Sengkang on the first Saturday of the 2011 league season.  It was a day full of firsts – first game at the new (highly convenient) venue, first ever match for the Bs and first game for the new look As, who retained just 7 of the players who won the league last year.  The match started and was promptly stopped due to the incorrect positioning of the coach and substitute.  Rather than being allowed to sit in the shade of the stand the match was paused while Rosie and Rich made their way round to the opposite side to join the 3rd umpire in the direct sunlight.  With the match restarted the As camped for most of the game in the Bs half.  35 minutes later and the As had been able to score 7 goals despite some excellent work in goal by Ali.  Meanwhile Charlotte had gamely volunteered to act as goal keeper for the As and spent much of the game watching from the back – that is when she wasn’t distracted by Rich.  The second half continued in much the same way as the first with the As scoring another 6 goals, to see a final score of 13-0, despite the score line the Bs battled hard until the end, ensuring the A's couldn't relax until the final whistle.  The defence of TJ, Cynthia, Jenny B and Abi were rarely troubled and Charlotte never got to touch the ball, while Lou and Meagan controlled the game from the midfield.  The midfield and forwards combined well to see Gemma (7), Koc (1), Kat (2), Meagan (2) and Lou (1) score.   Her dominance in the middle saw Lou walk away with Tara’s tiara.

The second game of the season was played against a young Indian Association team who had 20 players, compared to the 12 players for Tornados As who were facing their second game in just over 24 hours.  While the IA team went through some drills Tornados looked to conserve their energy for the game and after just 45 seconds Chris stepped up and scored her first goal of the season, followed by her second a few minutes later.  Tornados continued to attack the IA goal with Kat and Gemma adding to the score line thanks to some insightful passes into the D from the midfield of Lou, Rosie, Charlotte, Meagan and Cynthia.  Tornados went into the break leading 4-0. The second half saw Tornados continue to attack the IA goal, seeing them score another 3 goals.  Kat scored her first hat trick for Tornados in only her second game, and in the Tornados goal Kirsten touched the ball twice and shadowed it out a couple of times, so had a busy night.  Lou again dominated from the midfield and was awarded Tara’s Tiara for the second time in the weekend. The crowd was jovial thanks to the Red Rock beer and kept the Tornados Chix running till the end of the game.

6 points out of 6 and 20 goals isn’t a bad way to start the season.  Well done all

Gemma (9)
Kat (5)
Chris (2)
Koc (1)
Meagan (2)
Lou (1)

Friday 25 February 2011

THC Lady B's 0 v Vijayanti 8 (I think)

Tornados Ladies B Team played their first ever game yesterday (24th Feb) at Delta Stadium against a very well organised Vijayanti team that had finished in the top 4 in the league last season. A squad of 17 players turned up for the game confirming the commitment that has been shown at training. Unfortunately, the inexperience of the Tornados team showed in the first half as the team conceded a number of goals despite some hard work from Milly and Jildau at the back. Ally in goal put in a brave performance but I'm sure she is now questioning the wiseness of using a rather intimate part of her body to stop a shot in the first half (I bet she will use the provided OBO jewel case (http://www.total-hockey.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=1448) in her next match). A highlight of the first half had to be the sight of Queenie in full flow off on her usual blistering runs down the wing. I'm sure on one occasion she got to the River Valley Road before she decided it was a lost cause.

After a bit of reorganisation at half-time the team put in a far more organised and solid performance. The improvements made during the course of this game bode well for the season ahead.

Bring on the A-team!!!!

Sunday 13 February 2011

Tornados Social News!!!!

Tornados Social News!!!!
A new season is upon us! Last year saw the Tornados
compete in some thrilling hockey matches and also
complete some pretty spectacular social events!

On Saturday 26th February, 2011 ALL Tornados
players, supporters, family and friends are
encouraged to join us at the Bull & Bear pub to help
celebrate the start of another exciting season of hockey
and friendship making in Singapore.


2011 will see the club grow larger than it has ever
been, whilst holding on to our belief that all hockey
should be fun and enjoyable. The Tornados
Social Committee has been busy behind the scenes
deciding on fun-filled events for all of our members!

2011 will also see the introduction of new club
sponsors. The Bull & Bear and Red Rock beer will
be providing a new home and refreshments for all
of the Tornados club members - the Social
Committee would like to invite you all to celebrate
this new partnership with local businesses who
have made a substantial commitment to providing
kit and a new home to our great club.

Start of Season Drinks!!!!
When - Saturday 26th Feb, 2011
Where - Bull & Bear
Time - 5.30pm till late
Theme - relaxed social with $15nett buffet and
discounted drinks (or order from extensive menu)
RSVP - https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dF9OQzhnRXRPSFVUdXdtd1otTmgxaWc6MQ

Saturday 22 January 2011

AGM Agenda

The AGM will be held at Upstairs@Harry's on Boat Quay on Monday 31st January
at 7:30pm.

The Agenda for the AGM is below. We need to make important changes to the
constitution and need as many of you there as possible to see this through so
please make every effort you can to come along.

1. Opening Remarks
2. Apologies for Absence
3. President's Report
4. Financial Report
5. Motion to Change the Constitution
6. Election of Office Bearers
7. Any Other Business
8. Close

Constitutional Change
The committee are proposing some changes to the constitution. In particular,
we would like expats to serve on the committee and to redefine some of the
roles to reflect the larger organisation we have now become.

Full details of all proposed changes are online at


Please email any nominations for committee positions
to jernayalsingh@yahoo.com.sg and richard@tornadoshockey.org.sg

Proxy Voting
Voting by proxy is allowed. However, proxies do not constitute part of the
quorum so please make every effort to come along next week.

Monday 17 January 2011

Notice of AGM

Please be informed that the club AGM will be held at Upstairs@Harry's on Boat Quay on Monday 31st January at 7:30pm.

A full agenda will be sent out in the next few days, but in the interim, if you would like to get involved, please email any nominations for committee positions to:

 jernayalsingh@yahoo.com.sg and richard@tornadoshockey.org.sg

Please make an effort to get along - we have some exciting ideas for the club this year and need your input into developing these plans!


Dear All,

We will be holding trials for both Men and Women on the following dates:

Sunday 23rd January, 10am - 12am, CCAB

Sunday 30th January, 10am - 12am, CCAB

The coaches are putting together some fun routines for the day and there
will also be some fitness work. If you are unable to come along on either
date but are interested in playing 1st XI, please let me or your captain
know. Whilst skill is obviously important, we will also be placing more
emphasis on commitment this year so we can develop our strategy and set


Wednesday 5 January 2011

January Newsletter

I hope you all had a great festive season and are recharged for the New Year! Training restarts this week and there are some significant changes to the league this year - see below for details.
Training will resume on Wednesday 5th January, 7pm at Hockey Village. Bring a white shirt and a dark/maroon shirt for an informal knock-about to get back into the swing of things.

We will hold our AGM sometime in January - details to be advised. A full agenda will be sent in due course. If you are keen to get involved at all, please email enquiries@tornadoshockey.org.sg.

SHF League in 2011
There are a couple of major changes to this year...

First, the Men's Division One will take place March - June, in parallel to the Men's Premier and the Ladies competition.

Secondly, for both the men and women, the top 4 teams of Div 1 will play-off against the top 4 teams of the Premiership to show who is truly the best team in Singapore!

See you on the pitch soon!!!
