Sent: 29 April 2014 11:12
To: ''
Cc: 'Sanjay Patel'; 'Kris Emerton'; 'Warwick Beasley'; 'Gibson, Patrick'
Subject: FW: queries from Tornados hockey club
Dear Geraldine
It was good to meet you and as promised I am sending details of the queries I raised and a few other issues that have been raised by members of my club. Sanjay I know has already raised the first 2 queries but to date we have had no response.
1) League fees: the number of games that each league vary quite disproportionately for example the ladies div 2 have 10 games and the men’s div 1 have 14, yet the fees are the same. A small difference in number of games 1 or 2 is understandable but this example shows a 40 % difference in games which seems unfair. We would prefer to have more games or at least a proportionate reduction in fees reflecting our pitch usage.
2) Insurance: can you provide details of what Insurance SHF provide players and clubs if any. In addition if you know of an insurance provider that appears to offer suitable insurance for our club and members please could you advise us of their details
3) Registration: Currently the league requires all players to be registered and they can only play for one team all season. This causes particular issues for us as a club and I suspect others as we all suffer from absent players due to work commitments and it does not accommodate players who would benefit from playing a few games in a higher team for development purposes or players coming back from injury. Would the SHF consider a situation where players can play up a team ( if registered) but not down, certainly I have experience of this system in the
4) Registration enforcement: We all accept that players need to be registered in line with the rules however I am unsure how this is enforced. With the exception of a few, most players are unknown to the officials and technical delegates. In my short time as president I have heard from a range of people that xyz is playing unregistered players, I am sure it is not true but to guard against this speculation could regular checks be made by all players producing their NRIC cards to the technical delegate who can check photo and name etc against the team list.
5) Umpiring: a)We appreciate that umpires are provided for all our games and we also appreciate that they are all at different stages of development however there does not seem to be any opportunity after a match for constructive feedback to help this development and to congratulate and re-enforce excellent practices. Can an umpire feedback section be added to the team sheet and maybe an expectation that captains spend a few minutes with umpires after matches to share views and experiences constructively. b) We have a number of qualified umpires in our club but none are involved with umpiring league games. How do our members offer their services as umpires ?
Jacqueline Shorrocks
See attached copy of email sent to SHF
Jacqueline Shorrocks
Sent: 15 April 2014 21:46
To: Tornados Committee Dist-list
Subject: THC - Tornados Minutes - 15 April 14
Hi All,
Here are the minutes from our meeting.
Please take note of the actions, ahead of next months meeting!
Thanks for being a fab committee!!
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