Sunday 20 September 2015

THC - Roger's Update -20th September

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Tornados Hockey Club

Morning Tornados 

A fairly quiet week last week with the haze and an admin error affecting our hockey training, and the F1 taking up our weekend. Back to normal this week hopefully. Delta have assured us the pitch is now open and apologised for not telling us they were keeping the pitch closed an extra week! Sadly the pitch is not relaid or repaired; that is rumoured to be happening at the end of the year.   

We played two friendlies and one league game this week. The mens 4s and ladies 1s both drew vs SCC in their friendlies and the Ladies 1s drew in their league match versus Jensenites on Friday. Thanks to umpires Wayne, Sean and Sarah for umpiring the friendy games-much appreciated by both teams.    

This week  

Monday Night Fitness
  Evans road- All welcome  meet at the grandstand 

Tuesday  Club training (mens 2s, 3s and 4s, ladies 2s)   8-10 pm DELTA    

Wednesday Mens' and ladies 1st XI training   8-10pm DELTA


Saturday 26th September

1st XI Men  vs SRC reds 3pm
4th XI men vs Jensenites 4.30pm

Sunday 27th September 

4th XI men vs Barkerites 7.30pm  

Social  Double Dick Header of the Day   Boomerang  Boat quay from 7pm

To celebrate the Men's 4's Weekend Double Header, and the crowning achievement of some of the more unique individuals in our club I invite you all along from 7pm….and expect you all to parade your team's "Dick of The Day" in an appropriately ridiculous outfit.The Men's 4s will be heading down en masse and after a tough season I'm sure they would appreciate your camaraderie!

We have $1000 to burn behind the bar and the celebrated Dicks will of course be well looked after - with a special prize for the most impressive Dick.

HAZE protocol 
We have decided that training will be called off if haze levels are at 150+ based on the local to Delta PSI 1 hr reading. We will send a message via facebook an hour before the start to confirm cancelation.  
If any suffer from respiratory problems then you are advised not to train when levels are 100.     

Have a good week 

Love Roger 


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