Sunday 1 August 2010

Spirited 3s Climb Learning Curve

The Tornados 3s showed plenty of heart and fought to the end despite going down 8-1 to league favourites JFA.

Rob Glover, outstanding in goal, was instrumental in keeping the score in single figures and thoroughly deserved Man of the Match. THC's goal came from a short corner deep in the second half, with Daenan collecting a rebound from Sharroul's initial strike.

When they did get into their rhythm, the forward line showed promise with Morgan and Daenan linking up well to provide THC with a couple of good chances of a goal.

Ultimately fitness was the telling factor and, despite showing plenty of skill, a static midfield was always going to struggle against the youth of JFA whose players obviously had gone to bed early the previous night.

The Tornados now have a 3 week break to work on fitness before the season restarts.

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