Sunday 22 August 2010

Tornados Mixed Hockey Comp

Tornados proved themselves generous hosts as the guest Dutch team won the inaugural THC Mixed Hockey Tournament.

50 players from across all Tornados teams mixed it up to form 4 new teams for the day that, along with a guest team from Hollandse Club, competed in a round-robin 8-a-side competition on Saturday afternoon.

Dave's Destroyers topped the league and looked strong for the title. However, they narrowly lost to the Dutch in an exciting, if hastily arranged, penalty shoot-out after a 1-1- draw in the final.

Hockey, though, was the real winner. Once the games were done, the BBQ was fired up and the sausage sizzle kicked in. Rain then forced many players to stay at the Hockey Village and drink beer into the evening.

Big thanks to Rob and Queenie for sorting the food and to Emilie for corralling the teams.

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