Sunday 31 October 2010

Div3 lose 2-0 to tough SCC team

The Div3 tornados, hit by injury and travel, lost a tough game against SCC 2-0 on a cool Sengkang afternoon.

The game didn't go to plan rights from the start, with Tornados going down to an early goal after about 10 mins and then Barry having to be carried off after 15 or so with a pingged hamstring, the team were stuck with only the 11 players left on the pitch.

The team battled on, trying to keep structure through out the game. That was difficult when SCC brought on some of their youngsters who were being marshalled from centre half. Early in the second half a bit more goal-mouth pressure ended with another goal, and it was possible that Tornados could go down to quite a nasty defeat.

After an over zealous tackle, matters were made worse when Shahroull was yellow carded, forcing the team to an even larger disadvantage.

According to the sideline, Rob pulled a couple of saves off that stopped the rout, and shoulder getting in the way to a final attack from SCC meant the game ended a 2-0 loss.

This loss means the Div3 team will find it difficult to qualify for the semifinals, but hope is still there, and an as yet unscheduled game against CSC is a must win to stand any chance of making those games. Other results will have to go the Tornados way, so we'll just have to wait and see.

MoM - Rob Glover - some fine saves (always seems wrong writing that about yourself!)

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