Thursday 14 October 2010

When Indoor meets Outdoor in hockey

A selection of Unfit "allstar" from 1st division Team and the Killer Beez started yesterday a new version of indoor hockey season here at the Delta Sport Hall.
After a updates on the rules (which proved useless since the umpires did not know the rules themselves) and tactics and telling Nick that in indoor hockey you can use only one side of your stick, We started a mix that Purist will call a outdoor version of indoor hockey.
The Tornados Team was outpassed by a fitter and more skillfull SRC team or commonly know as RECs. I believe the T-REx must have some kind of familly links with them as they eat us yesterday. With a Score line of 7-2 for them. (i lost count may be more), despite this we manage to show some good moves toward the end of the game. Thank to our Johor Boy Sham for scoring a PC and one of the SRC player who score against his team when Frenchy gave a pass back that bounced into his feet and went in.
Special dedication to Kotters who played the role of goalie but without padds when he stops one of their numerous short corner with his knee. We are still looking for his knee if you found it please call 1-800-.
Our Garfield made numerous saves and without him we could have ended with a more damaging score line.
Thank all for coming and support us. Special thank for all our Supporter : Sara and to our manager of the day : our Tornados Royal highest Queenie.
See you next Wednesday 20-Oct at 8PM to play against SCC.

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