Sunday 3 October 2010

Tornados 3s in out-standing 3-0 win!

Tonados hit the game v Ngee Ann Poly almost sprinting after some hard hitting facts from some previous lack-lustre games. the team saw where their problems were and managed to fix them in this game: the structure held beautifully and the charge on the opposition goal was relentless.

Ngee Ann poly, playing only their third game of the season, failed to work out what Tornados were doing. Well, it was quite simple: stack the midfield, focus on structure, structure and a little more structure. It started to pay dividends midway through the first half with a goal by Richard Goddard after some good build up work across the whole pitch.

All players were stepping up into their new responsibilities, with Stuart King, Steve Champ and Barry Daniels all playing a "defensive half" role for part of the game. These three were forever getting the ball off the opposition in the Tornados half and sending it forward to let the rest of the midfield wreck havoc: and so they did! Tim Barkham, Tim Allen, Daenan and Stephen Park all were ripping through the opposition, and even more fun to watch were some of the little linking taps between the various players.

The second half got off well with a goal early on by Tim Barkham, and continued in the same light with Stephen Park slotting a rebound from Inn Kuang's shot.

Overall this game showed just how well the 3rds can play. Earning their "Best Team in the Club" status during a training session on Thursday evening after beating the 1s 1-0, they capitalised on the teachings from Richard and took it onto the pitch.

The 3s get a rest for a few weeks and will then go into the final few games of the season. With 3 wins and 2 draws from 7 matches, they stand in a good position to finish in the top 4 and the play-offs. More hard work for all will bring it on for them.

MoM - Overwhelming from players and supporters alike, Stephen Park scooped the prize.

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